本文选题:造口并发症 切入点:移动通信 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:目的 随着高速移动无线通信的飞速发展,特别是随着智能手机、平板电脑等移动终端的普及,为造口并发症的远程护理系统的发展提供了新途径。本论文分析造口并发症护理的特点,分析造口并发症远程护理的可行性,并设计、实现基于高速无线通信的造口发症远程护理和健康指导系统,以改善造口并发症患者的就医体验,提高病人自我护理能力和生活质量,填补我国在造口并发症远程医疗领域的空白,从而推动远程医疗系统的发展。 方法 设计并研发了造口并发症远程护理系统,由客户端和服务器系统构成,分为离线咨询和实时视频就诊两种方式。在离线咨询方式下,患者将病史、当前症状以及造口及病变皮肤照片通过客户端上传至服务器,造口师在适当时给予护理指导。在实时视频就诊方式下,患者与造口师建立视频通讯链接,造口师通过语音和视频了解患者病情并提供护理建议。在远程护理指导结束后,都要求患者对此次服务在网络上进行评价,包括对本系统方便性的评价和建议,以及对医护人员工作质量和工作态度的评价和建议,以便更好改进系统和医务工作者服务质量。针对实际就诊病例,进行统计学分析,给出结果。 结果 有256例造口并发症患者通过远程护理系统就诊,64.8%(166例)患者可以完成自我护理,无需再到医院就诊;13.7%(35例)患者当时自我护理一周后没有明显改善,到医院就诊;21.5%(55例)患者病情较为严重,在远程护理中,接受专家建议及时到医院就诊。256例远程患者的护理响应时间,约60%(153例)的患者在1小时内即可得到响应,其中包含实时服务模式患者59例;超过94%患者在2个小时内可以得到护理指导。 结论 该系统运行以来,取得了良好社会效益,减轻了患者经济负担,特别是使行动不便的患者可便捷接受造口师的护理和健康指导。调查问卷表明该系统具有明显优势,深受患者欢迎,具有较大的推广价值。当然,造口并发症远程护理还处于起步和探索阶段,其服务模式、软件系统还需要进一步探索和完善。
[Abstract]:Purpose. With the rapid development of high-speed mobile wireless communication, especially with the popularity of mobile terminals such as smart phones and tablets, This paper analyzes the characteristics of nursing care of complications, analyzes the feasibility and design of remote nursing care for complications of ostomy, and provides a new way for the development of tele-nursing system for complications of ostomy. To realize the remote nursing and health guidance system based on high speed wireless communication to improve the experience of patients with complications of ostomy, and to improve the ability of self-care and quality of life of patients with complications of ostomy. In order to promote the development of telemedicine system, fill the gap in the field of orthopedic complications telemedicine in China. Method. This paper designs and develops a remote nursing system for complications of stomatostomy, which is composed of client and server system, which is divided into two ways: offline consultation and real-time video consultation. The current symptoms and photos of the stomata and skin lesions are uploaded to the server via the client, and the stomatologist provides nursing guidance when appropriate. In the real-time video mode, the patient and the stomatologist establish a video communication link. After the telecontrol instruction, patients were asked to evaluate the service on the Internet, including the convenience of the system. The evaluation and suggestion on the work quality and working attitude of the medical staff were also made in order to improve the system and the service quality of the medical workers. The statistical analysis was carried out on the actual cases and the results were given. Results. There were 256 patients with complications of stomstomy who were treated by remote nursing system (166 patients) who could complete self-care, and 35 patients did not need to go to the hospital.) there was no significant improvement after a week of self-care. The patients who went to the hospital to see a doctor and 55 patients were in a more serious condition. In telemedicine, the patients who received expert advice to visit the hospital in a timely manner received the nursing response time of .256 remote patients, and about 60,153 patients could get a response within one hour. There were 59 patients with real-time service mode, and more than 94% of the patients received nursing guidance within 2 hours. Conclusion. Since the operation of the system, it has achieved good social benefits and reduced the economic burden of patients. Especially, the patients with mobility difficulties can easily receive nursing care and health guidance from the stomatologist. The questionnaire survey shows that the system has obvious advantages. It is well received by patients and has great value in popularizing. Of course, remote nursing care for complications of ostomy is still in its infancy and exploration stage, and its service mode and software system need to be further explored and improved.
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