发布时间:2025-01-14 18:02
目的 总结该院在非隔离区域的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控经验,为国内综合性医院非隔离区域的新型冠状病毒肺炎及其他传染性疾病的防控提供参考。方法 利用精细化管理理念,以专业化为前提,制订非隔离区域的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控标准,系统化落实各项新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控措施,网格化稽查,用信息化手段进行团队间及医患间有效沟通,数据化反馈结果促进质量改进。结果 医院员工未发生院内新型冠状病毒感染,院内全员口罩佩戴率、流行病史筛查率、环境及医疗用品消毒率均为100%,患者及家属的口罩佩戴正确率为73.79%,手卫生正确执行率40.78%。结论 精细化管理策略在综合性医院新型冠状病毒肺炎非隔离区域的防控措施有效,患者及家属的口罩佩戴正确率及手卫生执行率需要进一步提高。
【文章页数】:5 页
What is known?
What is new?
1. Introduction
2. Management measures
2.1. Formulation of prevention and control measures and standards for non-isolated areas in hospitals
2.2. Management of various areas in the hospital
2.2.1. Management at the hospital entrances
2.2.2. Management of outpatient clinics
2.2.3. Management of inpatient department
2.2.4. Management of emergency department
2.2.5. Management of hospital administrative offices
2.3. Systematic implementation of prevention and control of COVID-19 and grid-based audits
2.3.1. Systematic training on knowledge regarding COVID-19 for all hospital staff
2.3.2. Multi-modal education of patients and accompanying persons
2.3.3. Grid-based seamless supervision
2.4. Effective communication via information technology
2.5. Quality improvement based on digitized feedback
3. Results
4. Discussion
4.1. Refined management is crucial for epidemic prevention and control
4.2. Refined management strategies ensured the successful implementation of COVID-19 prevention and control measures
4.3. Challenges to COVID-19 prevention and control
Ethical consideration
Declaration of competing interest
CRedi T authorship contribution statement
Appendix A.Supplementary data
【文章页数】:5 页
What is known?
What is new?
1. Introduction
2. Management measures
2.1. Formulation of prevention and control measures and standards for non-isolated areas in hospitals
2.2. Management of various areas in the hospital
2.2.1. Management at the hospital entrances
2.2.2. Management of outpatient clinics
2.2.3. Management of inpatient department
2.2.4. Management of emergency department
2.2.5. Management of hospital administrative offices
2.3. Systematic implementation of prevention and control of COVID-19 and grid-based audits
2.3.1. Systematic training on knowledge regarding COVID-19 for all hospital staff
2.3.2. Multi-modal education of patients and accompanying persons
2.3.3. Grid-based seamless supervision
2.4. Effective communication via information technology
2.5. Quality improvement based on digitized feedback
3. Results
4. Discussion
4.1. Refined management is crucial for epidemic prevention and control
4.2. Refined management strategies ensured the successful implementation of COVID-19 prevention and control measures
4.3. Challenges to COVID-19 prevention and control
Ethical consideration
Declaration of competing interest
CRedi T authorship contribution statement
Appendix A.Supplementary data