发布时间:2018-01-16 03:13
本文关键词:设防框架的梁铰模型和能力易损性的试验研究 出处:《工程力学》2017年10期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: RC框架节点试验 设防等级的级差 塑性铰模型 试验样本数 抗震能力易损性
【摘要】:抗震设防等级越高,建筑物的抗震能力越强。然而反映设防能力区别的实用力学模型及其参数却很少。该研究即通过试验得到RC框架梁的塑性铰的本构模型及概率能力,为整体结构的地震风险研究奠定基础。为此,制作了4组12个基于GB50011-2010不同设防等级和位置的节点缩尺模型并做了拟静力试验。结果表明,节点的破坏实质是梁的受弯破坏,节点所在位置对梁的受力变形指标影响不大。因此,较少的试验试件可得到扩充数倍的梁铰样本,提高概率分析精度。因此,基于试验的统计结果并参照FEMA 356,提炼了不同设防等级的梁的塑性铰归一化本构模型,提出了梁铰破坏程度的性能指标,计算了梁的概率抗震能力,总结了设防能力和易损性的级差。用试验的方法量化结构模型的规范要求并赋予模型指标可靠度,是该文的创新点。
[Abstract]:The higher the level of seismic fortification. The stronger the seismic capacity of buildings is, the less practical mechanical models and their parameters reflect the difference of fortification ability. The constitutive model and probability capability of plastic hinges of RC frame beams are obtained by experiments in this study. It lays a foundation for the study of seismic risk of the whole structure. Four groups of 12 nodal scale models based on different GB50011-2010 levels and positions are made and quasi-static tests are carried out. The results show that the failure of the joints is essentially the bending failure of the beam. The location of the joint has little effect on the deformation index of the beam. Therefore, a few test specimens can be expanded several times to improve the accuracy of probabilistic analysis. Based on the statistical results of the test and referring to FEMA 356, the plastic hinge normalized constitutive model of beams with different fortification grades is refined, and the performance index of the failure degree of beam hinges is proposed. The probabilistic aseismic capacity of the beam is calculated and the difference between the fortification ability and the vulnerability is summarized. It is the innovation of this paper to quantify the specification requirements of the structural model and to assign the reliability of the model index by the method of test.
【作者单位】: 中国地震局工程力学研究所中国地震局地震工程与工程振动重点试验室;
【基金】:中央级公益性研究所基本科研业务专项项目(2013B17) 国家自然科学基金项目(51578517) 国家国际科技合作专项项目(2014DFA70950)
【正文快照】: 基于性能的设计是使建筑结构实现一定的性能目标,如“小震不坏,大震不倒”。不同的性能目标暗含不同的能力和损伤级序,或曰级差。首先,建筑结构的类别和重要性决定了其在何种地震强度下能实现基本的性能目标,或在特定地震强度下应具备何种更高的性能。例如,我国抗震规范GB5001
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