本文关键词: 大数据 规划编制 城市总体规划 科学性 出处:《武汉大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, the construction of information and intelligent city in our country has been advancing rapidly, and the new generation of information and communication technology, represented by big data, has been deeply integrated with all aspects of society. Great changes have taken place in human behavior and social space. At the same time, with China's economy and society entering the "new normal", the urban planning industry has begun to transform, adjust and innovate. Big data has been applied more and more in the practice and research of urban planning. However, the phenomenon of multi-bias has been explained, which is not closely related to urban planning. How to perfect the system of theory and method has become an urgent problem to be solved in the effective application of big data in urban planning. This paper studies the application of big data in the preparation of urban master plan. Object. This paper attempts to construct the urban master planning system supported by big data, which is based on the whole process of planning. This paper combs the course and problems of urban planning discipline characteristics and the innovation of urban planning compilation method. This paper analyzes the inevitability of applying big data in urban planning, and reveals the internal relationship between big data and urban planning. The author answers the question why big data should be used in urban planning. Then, the author reviews and prospects big data's development course and trend, and applies the framework. This paper summarizes and comments on the application of big data in urban planning from the perspective of spatial research and planning management implementation and public participation, and points out the feasibility of big data's application in urban planning. Based on the main body of planning, the data is reliable. Methods based on the principles of scientific and economic feasibility, the application framework of big data in urban master planning was constructed from the point of view of planning process. First of all, from the new data architecture to sort out the acquisition method of big data, and then from the strategic planning, spatial planning. Four main aspects of the supporting facilities and the special system in the master plan are studied, and then the application method of the big data in the compilation of the urban master plan is studied, and then from the early stage. Finally, in order to implement big data's application, the paper puts forward the application guarantee mechanism of big data in urban planning.
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