本文关键词: 稳定蠕变 损伤因子 损伤元件 时效-非线性 蠕变损伤模型 出处:《工程力学》2017年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Under the long-term action of stress, the internal damage of rock mass accumulates and expands, which results in the loss of bearing capacity of part of the bearing unit, which makes the real stress intensity of rock mass larger than the apparent stress. This paper is based on rheological theory. The creep characteristic equation of elastic damage element and viscous damage element is given by introducing the damage factor into elastic element and viscous element. It is used to describe the creep and time dependent nonlinear deformation characteristics due to damage accumulation in the process of load holding. Then based on the creep characteristic equation of elastic damage element and viscous damage element, the creep state equation of classical composite model considering damage effect is given, and the constitutive characteristics of creep deformation during steady creep process are given. A five-element nonlinear creep damage model with variable parameters is constructed to describe the creep stability of soft rock, and the creep deformation characteristic equation of the creep damage combined model is given. Finally, the accuracy and applicability of creep damage model in describing nonlinear creep characteristics of soft rock are analyzed and verified based on the experimental data of stable creep stage of Dongxiang copper ore shale in Jiangxi province. The fitting results show that the creep model element with damage factor can well describe the time-nonlinear characteristics of creep.
【作者单位】: 南华大学核资源工程学院;中南大学资源与安全工程学院;武汉理工大学资源与环境工程学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51404179) 南华大学校级创新团队计划项目(NHCXTD04) 南华大学博士启动基金项目(2014XQD09)
【正文快照】: 岩石的流变性是指岩石在力、温度、辐射等条件下呈现的与时间有关的变形、流动和破坏等性质,即时间效应[1]。1948年,陈宗基开辟了国内岩石流变学研究的先河,并以流变学的基本观点对各种岩石力学问题进行了一系列的研究工作[2]。在岩石流变实验与理论研究工作中,基于基本流变元
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