本文选题:煤改气 切入点:天然气供暖 出处:《山东建筑大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:After entering winter, the frequent occurrence of haze weather in China has seriously affected the production and life of the people. The optimization and adjustment of energy structure is an important direction in the prevention and control of air pollution. "Coal to gas" is one of the important measures to adjust the energy structure. In order to control the haze weather in many cities, In the process of adjusting the energy structure, the "coal to gas" has been carried out one after another. This paper mainly focuses on the characteristics of natural gas heating and how to effectively guarantee the feasibility and reliability of natural gas heating. This paper briefly describes several important ways of using natural gas in heating, analyzes its working principle, coal quantity and suitable situation, and then calculates their flue gas quantity in detail according to the burning experience formula of coal and natural gas. According to the emission standards, the emission of pollutants is compared. Then, the emission of pollutants reduced by natural gas in a heating season instead of coal and the corresponding cost of environmental pollution treatment are calculated in detail, and the environmental benefits of natural gas are analyzed in detail. The results show that the environmental benefits of natural gas are remarkable. Since the price of natural gas is higher than that of coal, the paper analyzes the bearing capacity of heating companies and consumers for natural gas after they choose natural gas heating. Then the ways to improve the affordability of heating enterprises are discussed from the sales price of heating and the total energy saving rate of buildings. Properly increasing the selling price of heating and the total energy saving rate of buildings is beneficial to the increase of heat supply enterprises' bearing capacity. Ability. In view of the heating "coal to gas" projects carried out one after another in some northern cities at present, Several common natural gas heating methods are selected, and their heating costs are analyzed and compared to provide the basis for the selection of heating mode for "coal to gas", and it is more economical to use natural gas household heating. The urban pipeline supply system is the main way of natural gas supply. With the continuous expansion of natural gas applications, the demand for natural gas is increasing. When the formula is used to calculate the maximum gas flow rate of the pipeline, the parameters of the airflow in the pipeline are analyzed. This paper analyzes and studies the problems existing in the calculation of gas transmission, and analyzes the related parameters that affect the pipeline gas transmission, and discusses the effective way to improve the pipeline gas transmission capacity. The gas load used for heating is seasonal load. In order to ensure the reliability of natural gas heating, the gas storage mode of peak shaving in heating season is discussed. Taking Jinan City as an example, the gas demand for natural gas heating is calculated and the peak shaving gas storage mode is chosen. By analyzing the selection of natural gas heating mode and the analysis of environmental benefit, this paper can provide a certain theoretical basis for the implementation of heating "coal instead of gas", and provide some suggestions for the reliability of natural gas heating.
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