本文选题:高新技术产业开发区 + 产业升级 ; 参考:《西南科技大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:China's high-tech industrial development zone is an industrial agglomeration space based on innovative technology research and development, which bears the great responsibility of transforming scientific and technological achievements into advanced productive forces.In the early stage of development, due to the national economic orientation and the lack of sufficient attention to the planning and layout of specific regions, the industrial spatial planning of high-tech zones can not carry the current spatial needs of industrial upgrading and development.Based on the urgent need of China's current industrial upgrading, this paper combines the "made in China 2025" action plan and the "Internet" of these new development strategies to promote and popularize.This paper studies the present situation that the industrial spatial layout of high-tech zones in China does not match with the industrial development and upgrading, and points out the problems existing in the spatial layout of high-tech zones in our country, such as the land is not intensive, the function is not matched, the supporting system is not perfect, and the environment is not coordinated.Through theoretical study, field visits, policy research and other research methods, combined with multi-disciplinary and multi-domain comprehensive thinking, from the macro aspects of natural factors, social factors, meso-market factors, industrial environmental factors, infrastructure factors,The main factors that affect the industrial spatial distribution of high-tech zones are discussed in different dimensions, such as the micro factors of industry itself and the factors of innovation ability.In the aspect of land use, we should improve the efficiency of land use, rationally distribute the functional composition of land, improve the intensity of land development, make use of the spatial layout in a mixed way, and strengthen the construction of urban infrastructure from the angle of integration of production and city.In order to perfect the urban supporting service facilities and enhance the ecological environment landscape, we should promote the industrial spatial agglomeration, innovate the spatial agglomeration, and construct the public service platform in order to optimize the layout of the industrial space in the high-tech zones.Finally, Mianyang high-tech zone as an example to verify the analysis, targeted to put forward the corresponding planning recommendations.
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