本文选题:新型卷边PEC柱 + 组合框架 ; 参考:《苏州科技大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:新型PEC柱(partially encased concrete composite column,简称PEC柱)在H型钢或薄钢板组合H形截面翼缘之间设置拉结筋(非卷边)或拉结板条(卷边),形成钢骨架并在其中浇筑混凝土形成的组合柱。研究发现:PEC柱具有较高的承载能力和较高的抗侧刚度等良好的抗震性能。目前,关于PEC柱-钢梁方面的研究多数集中在构件、节点连接和层间子结构抗震方面,而对结构整体层面上的研究成果较少。为此,对新卷边PEC柱-钢梁框架结构体系抗震性能研究就显得尤为必要。本文以采用高强螺栓摩擦耗能型连接的新型卷边PEC柱-钢梁两层单跨组合框架子结构试验试件作为研究对象,依据试验室的加载设备条件,试件按1:2缩尺设计制作,并对其进行水平低周往复荷载作用下的拟静力试验。基于试验数据整理与试验观测现象分析,对试件结构的承载力、抗侧刚度衰减、节点连接性能、破坏模式等方面的抗震性能进行研究。同时采用有限元ABAQUS软件对其抗震性能进行数值模拟,并通过试验比较以验证有限元模型的合理性。此外,进一步对竖向力作用的影响规律进行了数值模拟分析。试验与数值模拟研究结果表明:试件具有较高的承载能力和较大的水平抗侧刚度;试件主要通过摩擦、PEC柱脚混凝土压溃与钢构架屈服和T形件端部截面屈服耗能,且各层耗能较为均匀,试件结构较好实现了“小震利用摩擦耗能、中大震通过结构主体构件屈服耗能”的形态设计目标;试件层间水平剪力由PEC柱平均承担,且侧移表现为剪切型变形模式;试件结构破坏机构为摩擦耗能T形件端部梁截面和PEC柱脚处形成塑性铰的塑性破坏机构,此时各层层间相对侧移和所有节点连接转角均超过大震层间侧移限值1/30,即表明试件结构具有良好的抗震延性。
[Abstract]:A new type of PEC column (partially encased concrete composite column, for short, PEC column) is set up between a H type steel or a thin steel plate, which is composed of a tie bar (non curling edge) or a pull knot (roll edge), forming a steel skeleton and pouring concrete into a composite column. The study shows that the PEC column has a higher bearing capacity and a higher side stiffness. At present, most of the research on PEC column and steel beam is focused on the components, joint and interlayer substructures, and the research results on the whole structure are less. Therefore, it is particularly necessary to study the seismic performance of the new PEC column steel beam frame structure system. A new type of two storey single span composite frame frame structure test specimen with a bolt friction and energy dissipation connection is used as the research object. According to the loading equipment condition of the test room, the specimen is designed according to the 1:2 scale, and the pseudo static test under the horizontal low cycle reciprocating load is carried out. Based on the test data arrangement and the experimental observation phenomenon, the test results are divided. Analysis of the bearing capacity of the structure, side stiffness attenuation, joint performance, failure mode and other aspects of seismic performance research. At the same time, the finite element ABAQUS software is used to simulate the seismic performance of the specimen, and the rationality of the finite element model is verified by comparison. Furthermore, the influence of the vertical force action is further studied. The experimental and numerical simulation results show that the specimen has a high bearing capacity and a large horizontal lateral stiffness; the specimen is mainly subjected to friction, the collapse of the concrete column of the PEC column and the yield of the steel frame and the end section of the T shaped parts, and the energy dissipation of each layer is more uniform, and the structure of the specimen is better to achieve a "small shock". By using friction energy, the medium and large earthquakes are designed by the shape of the structural main component yielding energy. The horizontal shear between the specimens is assumed by the PEC column, and the lateral displacement is the shear deformation mode, and the structural failure mechanism of the specimen is the plastic failure mechanism of the end section of the friction dissipating T shaped part and the plastic hinge at the PEC column foot. The relative lateral displacement of the story and the angle of all nodes' connections exceed the 1/30 value of the lateral limit of the large earthquake layer, which means that the specimen structure has good seismic ductility.
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