本文选题:筒仓 + 模型 ; 参考:《农业工程学报》2017年05期
[Abstract]:In order to study the lateral pressure and numerical simulation technology in the unloading process of vertical silo, a model of organic glass silo was designed and tested. The dynamic unloading process of silo was simulated by using adaptive mesh generation technique in ABAQUS finite element software. The results show that the dynamic lateral pressure test value of silo is larger than that of static lateral pressure, but the overpressure coefficient of each measuring point is different. In the vicinity of the funnel, the maximum overpressure coefficient is 1.78, the overpressure coefficient of the two measuring points in the middle and upper part of the silo wall is 1.73 and 1.61, the overpressure coefficient of other positions is less than 1.45, and the simulation value of lateral pressure is in good agreement with the calculated value. The absolute value of relative error of static lateral pressure and dynamic lateral pressure is between 0.43% and 9.92%, and the absolute value of relative error between static and dynamic lateral pressure is between 1.14% and 9.65%, which verifies the feasibility of numerical simulation technology. Both the test curve and the test fitting curve show that with the increase of the height from the measuring point to the bottom of the silo, the lateral pressure tends to decrease, that is, the lateral pressure is large and small, and the static lateral pressure simulation curve is consistent with the experimental curve. The absolute value of relative error is between 1.83% and 9.97%. Due to the influence of random factors such as the accuracy of pressure sensor, calibration error and test times, the dynamic lateral pressure test curve is not very regular, and the numerical simulation curve is relatively smooth. But the fitting curve of dynamic lateral pressure test is basically the same as that of numerical simulation, and the absolute value of relative error is between 0.28% and 9.93%. By observing the distribution of Mises stress near the funnel, it is found that before the material is unloaded, the larger stress occurs near the silo wall near the funnel. After discharging, the larger stress point turns to a certain area in the middle of the funnel wall, and with the prolongation of discharging time, the larger stress point changes to a certain area in the middle of the funnel wall. The range of the larger stress points is increased.
【作者单位】: 郑州航空工业管理学院土木建筑工程学院;河南工业大学土木建筑学院;郑州大学综合设计研究院有限公司;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目“基于环境激励的钢筋混凝土立筒群仓动力相互作用机理研究”(51178164) 郑州市科技计划项目“立筒仓的动力测试优化与动力特性研究”(20140586)
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