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发布时间:2018-05-05 20:04

  本文选题:巨型建筑 + WRF ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2017年博士论文

【摘要】:人口的迅速增长促进了全球范围内的城市化进程,城市建设用地的日益紧张催生越来越多的高层建筑甚至超高层建筑。同时一些国家和地区为了追求超高建筑所带来的名片效应,正在规划建设高度超过800m巨型建筑。我国计划建设一座千米级巨型建筑使其成为下一个全球最高建筑,但目前世界上还没有建成的千米级巨型建筑,许多研究领域仍处于空白阶段。因此有必要对相关的建造技术展开研究,为我国建设全球最高建筑提供相应的技术储备。建筑高度是巨型建筑最为显著的属性,本研究重点关注寒区室外环境的垂直变化对建筑空调负荷和风压热压作用效果的影响,并以一座正在规划当中的设计案例为研究对象展开相关研究工作。首先,基于中尺度气象模式WRFv3.4(Weather Research and Forecasting model)对建筑所在地区的气象条件进行模拟研究,并且采用当地气象观测得到的探空实验数据对模拟得到的气象参数垂直分布进行了验证,结果表明WRF模式对0~1000m高度范围内的气象条件模拟性能良好。在此基础之上,通过数据整理得到室外环境不同高度气象参数相对于近地面高度气象参数随高度的变化规律,结果表明:在0~1000m高度范围内,大气温度和压力均随着高度升高而线性降低;大气相对湿度随高度升高先线性升高后线性降低;风速随着高度升高先近似指数增大,后逐渐缓慢减小,最后略微增大。其次,根据模拟得到室外环境气象参数的垂直变化规律,分别对大气温度、湿度、压力进行数据拟合,拟合得到不同高度气象参数相对于近地面气象参数随高度变化的关系式。然后基于TRNSYS16瞬态模拟程序开发建立了巨型建筑空调负荷动态方法,并将拟合得到的气象参数与近地面气象参数、高度的关系式导入空调负荷动态模拟模型,对巨型建筑内部不同高度标准层房间的空调负荷进行动态模拟,具体包括室内负荷和新风负荷。其中室内负荷考虑不同高度、不同朝向、不同围护结构传热特性对室内负荷的影响;新风负荷同时考虑不同高度房间和不同高度新风口对新风负荷的影响。针对高度对空调负荷影响,分别定义了室内负荷和新风负荷的高度修正系数,定量分析了高度对空调负荷的影响。此外,通过对新风负荷随房间高度和新风口高度变化机理的分析,定义了室内空气密度影响因子和室内外空气焓差影响因子,定量分析了房间高度和新风口高度对新风负荷影响的比重。再次,根据模拟得到的0~1000m高度范围内的风速垂直分布,整理得到建筑所在地风速的垂直分布规律,并以此分布规律为基础建立巨型建筑风洞风压测试的风速入口边界条件,通过被动模拟方法,在风洞中模拟当地0~1000m高度范围内的风廓,结合巨型建筑分段模型,对其外表面风压进行了测试。此外,为了比较忽略高度适用性而采用标准大气边界层模型测得的风压与采用当地真实风廓所测风压的偏差,在风洞中采用被动模拟的方法模拟了B类地貌的标准大气边界层风廓,并测试了其风压,进而通过风压系数比较了采用两种风廓进行风压测试得到结果的不同,研究发现,如果以建筑顶部风速作为风压系数计算的参考风速,采用B类地貌标准风廓所测的风压系数在巨型建筑较低楼层明显偏小,在巨型建筑较高楼层差异不明显。最后,结合风洞实验测试得到的巨型建筑外表面风压系数分布,基于CONTAM3.2多区网络模型对巨型建筑在风压与热压共同作用下的建筑内部压力垂直分布特性进行了模拟研究,并且重点关注并分析各垂直和水平通道内隔断门两侧的压力分布。另外,在对巨型建筑内部热压控制策略定性分析的基础上,对不同控制措施下作用在隔断门上的压力进行对比分析,具体包括水平隔断和垂直隔断。通过与未采取任何控制措施的室内压力对比发现,采用垂直隔断相当于降低了建筑高度,对各通道内隔断门两侧压力的控制效果良好。本研究基于中尺度气象模式WRFv3.4对寒区室外环境的垂直分布情况进行了模拟,并基于此对室外环境垂直变化对巨型建筑的空调负荷和风压热压的影响展开相关研究。本文的研究方法可为与室外环境相关的建筑风热环境研究提供一些的借鉴,其研究成果可为巨型建筑的空调负荷预测和风压热压控制提供一些参考。
[Abstract]:The rapid growth of the population has promoted the process of urbanization around the world. More and more high-rise buildings and even super high-rise buildings are being generated by the increasing tension in urban construction land. At the same time, in order to pursue the business card effect of super high buildings, some countries and regions are planning to build a high degree of superstructure over 800m. Gigantic gigantic buildings have made it the next largest building in the world, but there are still no gigantic gigantic buildings in the world. Many research fields are still in the blank stage. Therefore, it is necessary to study the related construction techniques to provide the corresponding technical reserve for the construction of the highest building in the world. The height of the building is a giant building. The most significant attribute of this study is to focus on the influence of vertical change of outdoor environment on the effect of air conditioning load and pressure on the effect of the wind pressure on the effect of the effect of the effect of the building air conditioning load and pressure hot pressure. The research work is carried out on a planned design case. First, based on the mesoscale meteorological model WRFv3.4 (Weather Research and Forecasting model) ) to simulate the weather conditions in the area where the building is located, and to verify the vertical distribution of the simulated meteorological parameters using the local meteorological observation data. The results show that the WRF model has good simulation performance on the weather conditions in the high range of 0~1000m. On this basis, the data is collated to get the room. The results show that the atmospheric temperature and pressure decrease linearly with height in the 0~1000m height range, and the atmospheric relative humidity increases linearly with height, and the wind speed increases with the height rise first. Secondly, the vertical change law of meteorological parameters of outdoor environment is obtained by simulation, and the atmospheric temperature, humidity and pressure are fitted separately, and the relation between the weather parameters of different heights relative to the height of the near ground weather parameters is obtained, and then based on the TRNSYS16 transient simulation process. The dynamic method of air conditioning load of giant building is established in order to develop the dynamic simulation model of air conditioning load in the room with different height of the giant building, including indoor load and new wind load. The internal load takes into account the influence of different height, orientation, and heat transfer characteristics of different enclosure structures on the indoor load; the new wind load takes into account the influence of different height rooms and new air vent on the new wind load at the same time. In addition, through the analysis of the change mechanism of the new air load with the height of the room and the height of the new air vent, the influence factors of the indoor air density and the air enthalpy difference between indoor and outdoor are defined, and the proportion of the room height and the new air vent height to the new wind load is quantitatively analyzed. Again, according to the simulated 0~ The vertical distribution of wind speed in the 1000m height range is arranged to get the vertical distribution of the wind speed in the building. Based on this distribution law, the wind velocity entrance boundary condition of the wind tunnel test of the giant building is established. Through the passive simulation method, the wind profile in the local 0~1000m height range is simulated in the wind tunnel, and the segmented model of the giant building is combined. In addition, in order to compare the wind pressure measured by the standard atmospheric boundary layer model and the wind pressure measured by the local real wind profile, a passive simulation method is used to simulate the wind profile of the standard atmospheric boundary layer of B geomorphology in the wind tunnel, and the wind pressure is tested. By comparing the wind pressure coefficient, the results are different with the wind pressure test using two kinds of wind profiles. It is found that if the wind velocity is used as the reference wind speed of the wind pressure coefficient, the wind pressure coefficient measured by the B geomorphic standard wind profile is obviously smaller in the lower floor of the giant building, and the difference in the higher floor is not obvious in the mega building. Finally, based on the CONTAM3.2 multi zone network model, the vertical distribution characteristics of the internal pressure of the building under the joint action of wind pressure and hot press are simulated on the basis of the wind tunnel test, and the pressure on both sides of the vertical and horizontal passages is focused on and analyzed. In addition, on the basis of the qualitative analysis of the internal thermal pressure control strategy of the giant building, the pressure of the different control measures on the partition door is compared and analyzed, including the horizontal partition and the vertical partition. It is found that the vertical partition is equivalent to the reduction of the vertical partition by comparing with the indoor pressure that has not taken any control measures. The building height has good control effect on the pressure on both sides of the partition door. Based on the mesoscale meteorological model WRFv3.4, the vertical distribution of the outdoor environment in the cold region is simulated. Based on this, the influence of the vertical change of the outdoor environment on the air conditioning load and the pressure and hot pressure of the giant buildings is studied. The method can provide some reference for the research on the wind and heat environment related to the outdoor environment. The research results can provide some reference for the air conditioning load prediction and the wind pressure control of the mega buildings.



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