本文选题:岩石力学 + 低渗透砂岩 ; 参考:《岩石力学与工程学报》2017年03期
[Abstract]:To prepare sandstone samples with water saturation of 0%~70%, the gas permeability test of sandstone samples with different water saturation is carried out by gas permeability test device of low permeability rock. The permeability and porosity under confining pressure are measured with different confining pressure and seepage pressure. The permeability and porosity of different water saturation and low permeability sandstone are analyzed and discussed. The following conclusion is drawn: the gas measurement permeability is lower than 50% in low permeability sandstone, and its gas permeability is decreased with the increase of pore pressure, and the water saturation is higher than 50% in low permeability sandstone. The variation of gas permeability is in the opposite direction; the gas permeability and pore pressure are in accordance with the exponential function of the pore pressure; with water cut, the gas permeability is in accordance with the pore pressure. The sensitivity of gas permeability to pore pressure decreases with the increase of saturation, and the sensitivity of gas permeability to pore pressure increases with the increase of pore pressure; absolute permeability, porosity and confining pressure are exponentially functional, and the sensitivity of absolute permeability to confining pressure increases with the increase of water saturation. The sensitivity of the porosity to the change of porosity decreases, and the sensitivity of the absolute permeability and porosity to the confining pressure decreases with the increase of confining pressure; the porosity of the low permeability sandstone is positively correlated with the change of absolute permeability, and a small decrease in porosity can cause a substantial decrease in absolute permeability; absolute permeability and porosity. With the increase of water saturation, the sensitivity of absolute permeability to porosity is enhanced, and with the increase of porosity, the sensitivity of absolute permeability to porosity is also increased.
【作者单位】: 河海大学港口海岸与近海工程学院;河海大学岩土工程科学研究所;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(11272113,11572110) 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(2016B05314)~~
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