本文选题:数值模拟 + 红砂岩土 ; 参考:《江西理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Red sandstone soil is a kind of muddy cemented soil widely existing in southern China. The research on static and quasi static aspects of red sandstone soil has been carried out deeply, but the mechanical properties and energy dissipation law of red sandstone soil in dynamic impact are still shallow. In this paper, the mechanical properties and energy dissipation of red sandstone soil under uniaxial impact, lateral limit impact and dynamic combination are studied by means of impact loading test and numerical simulation. In these three cases, the effects of aspect ratio and impact velocity on peak stress are studied, and the effects of incident energy, strain rate, aspect ratio and impact velocity on energy dissipation are studied. In the uniaxial impact numerical simulation, the compressive strength of red sandstone soil is low and the energy dissipation efficiency is low. With the increase of the impact velocity, the compressive strength increases and the peak strain increases, but the peak stress decreases with the increase of the aspect ratio, and the peak strain also decreases. In this case, the compressive strength of the specimen is lower and the specimen is destroyed mainly in the form of shear. Numerical simulation software (ANSYS- LS-DYNA) shows that the energy dissipation efficiency of red sandstone soil is low, over 90% of the incident energy dissipates in the form of reflected waves. Under the lateral limit condition, the red sandstone soil exhibits a stronger compressive strength than the uniaxial state. The energy dissipation efficiency is improved slightly, and the numerical simulation results are in agreement with the experimental results. Under the constraint of casing, the peak stress and peak strain of red sandstone soil increase significantly with the increase of impact velocity. After the casing is applied, the specimen is no longer destroyed, but the increase of casing energy dissipation efficiency is still very weak. Nearly 90% of the incident energy ends with reflection. Under the combination of dynamic and static, the red sandstone soil exhibits strong compressive strength and energy dissipation efficiency. The numerical simulation results are in agreement with the experimental results. Under 0.5 MPA axial compression, the peak stress and strain increase exponentially with the increase of impact velocity, and decrease with the increase of aspect ratio. With the increase of impact velocity, the reflection energy decreases gradually, and nearly 50% of the incident energy is converted into transmission energy and dissipative energy, and with the increase of aspect ratio, the dissipative energy increases. The axial compression can increase the compressive strength and energy dissipation efficiency of red sandstone soil and increase the value of axial compression.
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