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发布时间:2018-07-28 06:51
[Abstract]:The recoverable reinforced concrete shear wall is a new type of damping control structure. The goal of the structure system is to quickly restore the manpower and material resources that save the post earthquake reconstruction without repair or only a small amount of repair after the earthquake, to shorten the time for the people to return to normal life after the earthquake and to avoid the reconstruction of the earthquake after the earthquake. The slow work has caused great economic loss to the country and the people, so that the structure of the whole city can be aseismic and recoverable. In this paper, 1 reinforced concrete shear walls and 1 steel strands are made by using the fine tensile strength of steel strand, CFRP tendons and other linear elastic tendons. The reinforced concrete shear wall and 1 full scale specimens with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) reinforced concrete shear walls are tested in low cycle cyclic loading. Through the study of the bearing capacity, crack resistance, hysteretic behavior, skeleton curve, ductility, stiffness and energy dissipation capacity and residual deformation of the 3 specimens, the shear walls are compared and analyzed in shear walls. The self recovery performance of the steel strand and the rear shear wall with CFRP reinforcement is found. The test results show that: (1) the horizontal bearing capacity of the 2 specimens with CFRP and steel strands, STSW and CFRWPSW, can continue to increase when the interlayer displacement angle is over 2%, and the maximum interlayer displacement angle can effectively reduce the steel strand in the 3.0%. (2) wall column. The residual deformation of the wall can be reduced by 50% when the longitudinal reinforcement is replaced by the CFRP bar in the wall. It shows that the excellent linear elasticity of the CFRP reinforcement can effectively control the residual deformation of the wall compared to the traditional reinforced concrete shear walls. (3) the stiffness degradation of the shear wall is slowed down after the rebar is replaced by the steel strands and the CFRP tendons. The results show that the application of steel strands and CFRP tendons can slow down the speed of the rigidity of the previous specimens after the traditional shear walls enter the plastic deformation stage. (4) the configuration of CFRP tendons and steel strands in the shear walls can improve their bearing capacity and ductility, and control the development of cracks. The steel strand reinforced concrete shear walls and the CFRP reinforcement shear walls are compared to the traditional R. The C shear wall has a better self restoring ability. It is a novel and reasonable structure type of aseismic self reset shear wall, which is of great significance to the design of the seismic capacity of the structure.


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