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发布时间:2018-08-31 20:27
[Abstract]:Rapid urbanization and industrialization lead to the loss of rural landscape diversity and nativeness, and the problem of function conflict is becoming more and more serious. This paper first constructs the evaluation system of the rural landscape functional competitiveness, then establishes the recognition method system of the rural landscape function conflict based on the recognition matrix, and finally discusses the practical application of the method in Guankou Town, Xiamen City. The results show that the method accords with the essential connotation of the conflict of rural landscape function, and can be identified as the conflict area of various types of rural landscape function. 2) there are 9 kinds of conflict types of rural landscape function in Guankou Town. The predominance area of production function occupies 3.89% of the total area of the whole town, which is located on the periphery of town, the dominant area of life function is not obvious, and the dominant area of ecological function occupies 22.46% of the total area of the whole town, which is located in the northwest mountainous area outside the town. On the basis of analyzing the regional characteristics of 9 kinds of rural landscape conflict types, the corresponding optimization strategy is put forward. The high quality cultivated land in the areas of intense conflict between production and life function and three kinds of areas with severe functional conflict should give priority to the development of ecological agriculture and guide agricultural production to the direction of modern ecotourism. The results can provide theoretical support and method guidance for effectively solving the conflict of rural landscape functions and planning rural landscape.
【作者单位】: 华侨大学政治与公共管理学院;厦门市集美区建设局;中国农业大学资源与环境学院;


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