[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the pace of urban construction in China, the contradiction between the demand for urban infrastructure and public utilities and the financial pressure of the government is becoming increasingly prominent. As a social capital and government cooperation, the public-private cooperative system (Public-Private-Partnership) has become an effective way to solve this contradiction. Construction enterprises conform to the development trend of the industry, The idea of adjusting structure change actively participates in the construction of PPP project. Under the model of PPP project, the government and the private sector can make clear the responsibility, rights and obligations of both parties by signing the contract. The construction contract under the model of PPP can be the construction enterprise as an independent individual. Signed with the project company, It can also be signed as a social capital with the government as a general contractor. Construction enterprises are eager to test water PPP projects, but lack of mature practical experience, resulting in frequent problems in the process of actual engineering construction. At present, the research on PPP mode is focused on the development of model, risk management and contract system, but there is little research on construction contract management. Therefore, this paper takes the construction contract management under the PPP mode as the research object. This paper first introduces the background and significance of the topic, then combs the domestic and foreign literature on PPP model and construction contract management, and puts forward the research issues. Then, the connotation of PPP mode and construction contract management is discussed in detail, and the main body and content of construction contract management under PPP mode are analyzed. Secondly, using the case analysis method to summarize and analyze the classic PPP cases at home and abroad, through the status quo to summarize the existing problems in the construction contract management under the PPP mode. The key factors affecting the construction contract management are selected by using the grey correlation degree analysis method and the expert scoring method, which are the imbalance of the contract risk sharing, the imperfection of the contract adjustment mechanism, and the non-standard bidding work. Then three key problems are systematically analyzed. Finally, three key problems affecting the management of construction contract under PPP mode are put forward respectively. Through the research of this paper, we have a clear understanding of the real situation of construction contract management under the PPP mode, further identify the problems that affect the construction contract management, and put forward the system improvement measures for the key problems. In order to improve the management level of construction contract, the construction enterprise can adapt to the development trend of the industry, keep up with the trend of PPP development, and promote the benign development of the whole PPP model.
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