[Abstract]:The prefabricated building has entered a period of rapid development. In order to ensure the integrity of the assembly building and the strength of the member connection, the grouting connection of the prefabricated steel bar sleeve is needed. Low temperature sleeve grouting material is suitable for use in cold climates, and its main purpose is to accelerate the hydration rate of cement in low temperature environment. By introducing the concept of composite cement, the characteristics of common Portland cement, high alumina cement and sulphoaluminate cement are studied, and the composite cement is used as cement gel material. According to the result of exploratory test, the basic ratio is determined: the ratio of cement to sand is 1.0, and the ratio of water to binder is 0.28. The single admixture test and orthogonal test of mineral admixture with basic ratio were carried out. The experimental results showed that the best effect was obtained when the amount of silica fume was 4, and the addition of proper amount of gypsum was beneficial to reduce the shrinkage of cement and have the effect of slight expansion. In the test of single gypsum, the dosage range is approximately determined to be 1113%. The optimum combination of gypsum and tartaric acid and lithium carbonate, which has the same retarding and coagulating effect, is obtained by orthogonal experiment. The optimum combination is: gypsum content: 12: 12, tartaric acid content: 0.16%, lithium carbonate content: 0.12. The optimum combination is: gypsum content: 12%, tartaric acid content: 0.16%, lithium carbonate content: 0.12. The addition of antifreeze can reduce the freezing point and promote the hydration of cement. Sodium nitrate, calcium formate and sodium sulfate were selected as antifreeze at the beginning of the experiment. Orthogonal test showed that calcium formate and sodium sulfate had great influence on fluidity and could not meet the requirements. Finally, sodium nitrate, which has the least effect on fluidity, is chosen as antifreeze, and the optimum dosage is 0.4. By experimental optimization, Finally, the ratio of low temperature sleeve grouting material is determined as follows: ordinary Portland cement (PO 52.5) accounts for 70% of composite cement, high aluminum cement accounts for 20% of composite cement, sulphoaluminate cement occupies 10% of composite cement, silica fume accounts for 4% of cementing material, gypsum content accounts for 20% of composite cement, silica fume accounts for 4% of cementing material, and gypsum content accounts for 20% of composite cement. The ratio of cement to sand is 1: 1, the water consumption is 28%, the amount of tartaric acid is 0.16, the amount of lithium carbonate is 0.16 and the amount of sodium nitrate is 0.4, the amount of polycarboxylic acid type water reducer is moderate. Two kinds of low temperature sleeve grouting materials P-1 and P-2 were developed according to the specific application requirements, and the vertical expansion ratio, temperature effect, long-term strength and chloride ion content were tested. The test results show that all aspects of the performance can meet the requirements of relevant standards. The successful development of low temperature sleeve grouting material makes it possible to construct reinforced sleeve grouting in winter and cold area, greatly simplifies the construction procedure in winter and saves cost. It is propitious to popularize prefabricated buildings in cold areas.
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