发布时间:2018-09-04 18:00
【摘要】:BrO_3~-(溴酸盐)作为饮用水中存在的2B级潜在致癌物已引起社会公众的广泛关注.微生物还原降解是一种净化水中BrO_3~-的有效途径.基于序批式试验,研究了厌氧条件下微生物利用氢气作为电子供体还原降解水中BrO_3~-的可行性及关键影响因素.结果表明,氢自养微生物能利用氢气为电子供体、BrO_3~-为电子受体,将BrO_3~-完全还原成一种稳定的无毒的终产物Br~-.在120 h的反应期内,ρ(BrO_3~-)从初始时的1.02 mg/L降至0.56 mg/L(去除率为44.5%),最高去除速率达0.26 mg/(L·d),出水ρ(Br~-)相应地升至0.29 mg/L.对照处理中,ρ(BrO_3~-)和ρ(Br~-)均没有明显的降低和升高趋势.影响因素试验表明,NO_3~--N和SO_4~(2-)作为常规氧化性污染物(电子受体),反硝化和SO_4~(2-)还原对BrO_3~-还原耗氢产生了竞争,致使BrO_3~-生物还原过程受到电子供体的竞争性抑制.反硝化对BrO_3~-还原效率的影响程度比SO_4~(2-)还原更加强烈.初始ρ(BrO_3~-)对氢自养微生物还原降解BrO_3~-效率有较大影响.氢自养微生物还原降解BrO_3~-最适宜的pH范围处于7.0~7.5之间.研究显示,利用氢气作为电子供体的氢自养微生物将BrO_3~-还原成无毒的Br~-是一种较为可行的生物处理技术或手段.
[Abstract]:BrO_3~-(bromate) as a potential carcinogen of class 2B in drinking water has attracted wide public attention. Microbial reduction degradation is an effective way to purify BrO_3~ - in drinking water. Based on sequencing batch experiments, the feasibility and key of microbial reduction of BrO_3~ - in drinking water by hydrogen as an electron donor under anaerobic conditions were studied. The results showed that autotrophic hydrogen microorganisms could use hydrogen as electron donor and BrO_3~ - as electron acceptor to completely reduce BrO_3~ - to a stable and non-toxic end product Br ~-. During the 120 h reaction period, the BrO_3~-) decreased from 1.02 mg/L at the beginning to 0.56 mg/L (the removal rate was 44.5%) with the highest removal rate of 0.26 mg/L (d) and the effluent of 0.26 mg/L D. (Br~-) increased to 0.29 mg/L correspondingly. In the control treatment, there was no obvious trend of decrease and increase of P (BrO_3~-) and P (Br~-). Influencing factors test showed that NO_3~--N and SO_4~ (2-) as conventional oxidative pollutants (electron acceptors), denitrification and SO_4~ (2-) reduction competed for hydrogen consumption of BrO_3~ - reduction, resulting in BrO_3~ - biological reduction process suffered. The effect of denitrification on the reduction efficiency of BrO_3 ~ - is stronger than that of SO_4 ~ (2 -). Initial Rho (BrO_3 ~-) has a greater effect on the reduction efficiency of BrO_3 ~ - by hydrogen autotrophic microorganisms. The optimum pH range for the reduction of BrO_3 ~ - by hydrogen autotrophic microorganisms is between 7.0 and 7.5. Reduction of BrO_3~ - to non-toxic Br~ - by electron donor autotrophic microorganisms is a feasible biological treatment technology or means.
【作者单位】: 桂林理工大学环境科学与工程学院广西环境污染控制理论与技术重点实验室;桂林理工大学岩溶地区水污染控制与用水安全保障协同创新中心;同济大学环境科学与工程学院污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51408146) 广西自然科学基金项目(2016GXNSFAA380204;2016GXNSFBA380207)
[Abstract]:BrO_3~-(bromate) as a potential carcinogen of class 2B in drinking water has attracted wide public attention. Microbial reduction degradation is an effective way to purify BrO_3~ - in drinking water. Based on sequencing batch experiments, the feasibility and key of microbial reduction of BrO_3~ - in drinking water by hydrogen as an electron donor under anaerobic conditions were studied. The results showed that autotrophic hydrogen microorganisms could use hydrogen as electron donor and BrO_3~ - as electron acceptor to completely reduce BrO_3~ - to a stable and non-toxic end product Br ~-. During the 120 h reaction period, the BrO_3~-) decreased from 1.02 mg/L at the beginning to 0.56 mg/L (the removal rate was 44.5%) with the highest removal rate of 0.26 mg/L (d) and the effluent of 0.26 mg/L D. (Br~-) increased to 0.29 mg/L correspondingly. In the control treatment, there was no obvious trend of decrease and increase of P (BrO_3~-) and P (Br~-). Influencing factors test showed that NO_3~--N and SO_4~ (2-) as conventional oxidative pollutants (electron acceptors), denitrification and SO_4~ (2-) reduction competed for hydrogen consumption of BrO_3~ - reduction, resulting in BrO_3~ - biological reduction process suffered. The effect of denitrification on the reduction efficiency of BrO_3 ~ - is stronger than that of SO_4 ~ (2 -). Initial Rho (BrO_3 ~-) has a greater effect on the reduction efficiency of BrO_3 ~ - by hydrogen autotrophic microorganisms. The optimum pH range for the reduction of BrO_3 ~ - by hydrogen autotrophic microorganisms is between 7.0 and 7.5. Reduction of BrO_3~ - to non-toxic Br~ - by electron donor autotrophic microorganisms is a feasible biological treatment technology or means.
【作者单位】: 桂林理工大学环境科学与工程学院广西环境污染控制理论与技术重点实验室;桂林理工大学岩溶地区水污染控制与用水安全保障协同创新中心;同济大学环境科学与工程学院污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51408146) 广西自然科学基金项目(2016GXNSFAA380204;2016GXNSFBA380207)