[Abstract]:In order to study the aseismic behavior of the assembled shear wall structure with reinforced sleeve grouting connection, a pseudo-dynamic test of a three-story full-scale model under different earthquake intensity was completed, and the failure phenomenon, hysteretic characteristics and deformation capacity of the substructure were observed. Stiffness degradation and yield order of steel bar etc. The results show that the failure of the test model is concentrated on the connecting beam and the wall under the window in the direction of earthquake action, the main failure of the connecting beam is bending, the wall under the window is shear failure, the limb of the first floor wall is slightly bending, and in the course of the test, the longitudinal reinforcement of the connecting beam is connected. The vertical reinforcement and stirrups of the wall legs are subjected to tensile yield in turn. The experimental model achieves the design objectives of "strong wall limbs, weak joint beams" and "strong shear and weak bending". Under the action of fortification, rare earthquake and 9 degree rare earthquake, the design objectives of "strong wall limb weak joint beam" and "strong shear weak bending" are achieved. The lateral stiffness of the test model was reduced by about 50% and 80%, respectively, and the corresponding maximum interstory displacement angle was 1 / 3 341U / 1 / 899 / 1 / 268 and 1 / 111 respectively. Taking the interstory displacement angle as a parameter, the damage degree of the structure was intact and slightly damaged. The bi-directional composite floor of "precast bottom" and "precast floor without reinforcement" has good integrity and in-plane stiffness, and can play the role of horizontal rigid partition. It is feasible to replace common stirrups with closed hoop composed of two U-shaped steel bars in the vertical back pouring section of wall with one zigzag section, and it is feasible to replace common stirrups in the vertical back pouring section of the wall with one zigzag section, and it is feasible to replace the common stirrups with the closed hoop of two U-shaped steel bars. The function of the outer leaf wall may not be considered in the design of the structure.
【作者单位】: 清华大学土木工程安全与耐久教育部重点实验室;北京住总万科房地产开发有限公司;北京住宅建筑设计研究院有限公司;北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司;
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