[Abstract]:As the main body of urban ecological network system, park green space plays an irreplaceable role in the process of urban development and is the basis of improving urban green space ecosystem. At present, the construction of green space in parks lags behind the construction of completed areas and population growth, and the level of green space service can no longer meet the needs of urban residents. Therefore, in the process of urban park green space construction, how to improve the service capacity of park green space in the limited urban space, to meet the needs of residents, has become a problem to be solved by urban planning builders. The accessibility of the park green space is one of the important indexes to characterize the service ability of the park green space. From the point of view of planning and design, it is of great significance to study the influencing factors and the mechanism of the accessibility of the park green space, to improve the accessibility of the park green space, to give full play to the benefits of the urban park green space and to promote the healthy development of the urban residents. Taking Shenyang as an example, based on ArcGIS9.3 software, this paper constructs the database and data set of park green space and road network in Shenyang three rings, and analyzes the accessibility of urban park green space within the third ring of Shenyang by using network analysis module. The objective influencing factors of the accessibility of urban park green space are defined, the road network conditions of the park green space and its surroundings are simulated, the objective influencing factors of the park green space accessibility are studied, and the mechanism of action is revealed. The results are as follows: (1) the area, shape and road network density of green space affect the service area and service efficiency of green space. Among them, the influence degree to the service area of the park green space: the shape index of the road network density of the park green space area, the influence degree to the service efficiency of the park green space: the road network density of the shape index of the park green space area; The area of park green space is the most important factor that affects the service area and service efficiency of park green space. (2) the area of park green space is positively correlated with its service area and negatively correlated with its service efficiency. There was a significant positive correlation between green space shape and service area and service efficiency. There was a significant negative correlation between the road network density and the serving area of the park green space, but there was no significant correlation between the network density and the service efficiency of the park green space. (3) the green space area of the park was about 550hm~2250hm~2 and 100hm-2, the service efficiency of the park green space was higher. When the green space area of the park is about 60 ~ 100hm-2, with the increase of the green space area, the service area increases rapidly and the service efficiency decreases slowly. When the green space area is about 250 hm~2550 hm~ 2, the service area of the park green space increases greatly, and the service efficiency is relatively high. Therefore, from the point of view of the accessibility of the park green space, the choice of the area of the urban park green space is about 550 hm~2250 hm~2 and 60 ~ 100 hm~ 2, the accessibility of the park green space is better. (4) with the decrease of the road network interval, the density of the road network increases. The service area of park green space is decreasing, and with the increase of road network interval, the density of road network decreases, and the service efficiency of park green space decreases. When the road network interval is 200 ~ 300 m, that is, the density of the road network is 0.01 ~ 0. 02 m / m ~ (-2), the park greenbelt has the best accessibility.
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