[Abstract]:Masonry is one of the earliest construction methods used by human beings. From the end of 19th century to the beginning of 20th century, the development of masonry technology reached its peak. Qilu University is one of 13 church universities in modern China. The masonry method and style of brick buildings fully prove this point. As a modern architectural group with the architectural style of "Chinese and Western combination", the former Qilu University Modern Architecture Group has demonstrated the masonry methods of Chinese traditional architecture and western modern architecture, which has high historical, artistic and scientific value. It is of great significance to the development of building masonry technology. In this paper, the related documents of building masonry technology at home and abroad are analyzed, and the masonry methods and styles of brick buildings are combed out. Taking the brick buildings in the modern buildings of Qilu University as the research object, the masonry methods of the main wall, the window wall, the corner of the wall, the brick masonry and the wall column are analyzed in detail. The details of the facade, such as circular columns, cornice, door and window openings, and various air vents, are studied in this paper. The masonry methods and styles of brick buildings in the modern and modern buildings of Qilu University are abundant. This paper attempts to sum up the masonry methods and detailed treatment methods suitable for the modern buildings of Qilu University in order to protect them in the future. Repair and reuse to provide theoretical and technical support.
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