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发布时间:2018-12-15 05:59
[Abstract]:Xiamen modern garrison building is a kind of architecture with important regional characteristics in Xiamen area. The old city of Xiamen is undergoing an important stage of renovation and renewal, and the protection of the garrisoned buildings is even more urgent. In order to provide a better basis for the protection of Xiamen garrison buildings, especially the facade of buildings, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis and study on the present features of the decks of the garrisons. However, at present, the basic information and related research results of modern garrison building in Xiamen are limited, especially for all the information and research on the facade of the arcade is not comprehensive. In view of this reason, the author collects and deals with the integrity image data and the facade drawing paper of Xiamen modern arcade building. On the basis of obtaining the data, the author analyzes the features and elements of the facade of Xiamen modern arcade building. Finally, it constitutes the whole content of this paper. The author hopes that through the discussion and summary of this paper, it can provide a basic data for the protection of modern buildings in Xiamen, and also provide a theoretical reference for the urban construction of Xiamen and the design of new buildings in the future. This paper is divided into the following four parts: the first part summarizes the formation history of Xiamen's modern garrison building, analyzes its development and present situation, and summarizes the relevant reasons of Xiamen's modern garrison building formation. The second part is to expound the process of obtaining the plane plan and the facade information data of the modern Jianlou Street District of Xiamen, and the method of processing and drawing the obtained data. Finally, the complete facade photos and facades of the modern garrison building in Xiamen were obtained. The third part is from the macroscopic level to the Xiamen modern garrison building facade characteristic has carried on the analysis, has obtained the characteristic and the rule about the garrison street topography, the skyline shape and the new and old garrison distribution form. In the fourth part, the author analyzes the elements of the facade of modern buildings in Xiamen from the view of middle and micro, and summarizes the distribution and arrangement of the elements in the facade, as well as the detailed characteristics of the elements. And summed up the common features and laws of each street in the building facade. Finally, through a series of exposition and analysis, summed up the features and commonalities of the facade of modern garrison building in Xiamen.


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