[Abstract]:The monotonic push-shear tests of 11 C80 and 4 marked C40 concrete specimens were carried out. The failure patterns of the joints, the shear slip curves and the shear bar strain curves were obtained, and the concrete strength was analyzed. The influence of strength and type of bonding face on shear resistance of joint face. 32 groups of foreign test data were collected, and the experimental values of shear bearing capacity of high strength concrete joints were compared with the calculated values of relevant standards at home and abroad. The results show that there are two failure modes of joint shear and concrete punching, the shear bearing capacity of C80 specimen with rough surface is lower than that of C40 specimen, and the shear capacity of bond surface of keyway interview piece is higher than that of rough interview piece. The shear capacity of the joint face is proportional to the strength of the reinforcement. According to JGJ 1-2014 > formula, the ratio of shear capacity to test value of C80 specimen calculated in our country is between 0.33 and 0.72, and compared with that of the International structural concrete Association, the codes of the United States and the European Union are used to calculate the shear capacity of C80 specimens. The calculation formula of rules in our country is conservative. Based on the experimental data and regression analysis, a formula for calculating the shear capacity of new and old joints of high strength concrete is proposed.
【作者单位】: 同济大学土木工程学院;
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