[Abstract]:Masonry structure is a kind of structure type with ancient history. Since the history of architecture, it has made great contribution to human habitation and production. The main material used in masonry structure of our country for a long time is clay brick, which consumes energy, pollutes air and consumes a large amount of arable land in the process of production, which is very serious to the environment. As a new kind of environmental protection wall material, autoclaved fly ash brick, as a new environmental protection wall material, is an excellent substitute for clay brick, which is an excellent substitute for clay brick and has great popularization and application value as a new kind of environmental protection wall material with the advantages of saving soil and waste, light and high strength. At present, the research on seismic performance of autoclaved fly ash porous brick masonry is limited. Because the seismic performance of masonry structure is generally poor, it is very necessary to study the seismic performance of autoclaved fly ash porous brick masonry. Vertical compressive stress is one of the most important factors affecting seismic behavior of masonry walls. In this paper, through the horizontal low cycle repeated loading test of four autoclaved fly ash porous brick walls, the mechanical properties of autoclaved fly ash porous brick walls under earthquake are analyzed and studied. According to the test results, the calculation method of shear capacity and deformation capacity of autoclaved fly ash porous brick wall is put forward, and the restoring force model of autoclaved fly ash porous brick wall is also given. The main research results of this paper are as follows: 1. The pseudo-static test of four autoclaved fly ash porous brick walls under low cyclic repeated loading is completed. The shear capacity, failure form, hysteretic characteristics and displacement angle of autoclaved fly ash porous brick walls under earthquake are analyzed. The results show that increasing the vertical compressive stress can effectively enhance the shear capacity of autoclaved fly ash porous brick wall, improve the stiffness of the wall and restrain the deformation of the wall, the results show that the vertical compressive stress can effectively enhance the shear capacity of the autoclaved fly ash porous brick wall, But the ductility of the wall has declined. The stiffness of porous brick wall with autoclaved fly ash decreased obviously after opening in the center, but the ductility and energy dissipation capacity were improved obviously. 2. On the basis of the classical theory of shear strength of walls, the calculation rules of shear strength and deformation of autoclaved fly ash porous brick composite wall are put forward and compared with the experimental results. The results show that the calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results, and the formula has certain reference value. 3. Based on the calculation rules of shear strength and deformation of autoclaved fly ash porous brick composite wall, a restoring force model of autoclaved fly ash porous brick wall is proposed.
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