发布时间:2019-03-25 17:39
【摘要】:正杭州燃气集团将于2017年3月推出天然气家庭分户式供暖服务,用户可以根据自己的实际情况自由设置供暖时长、温度,用热可单独计量。杭州气候"夏热冬冷",但因其不属于我国"秦岭—淮河"以北的"采暖区",没有集中采暖设施,也没有相关的规范要求。随着生活水平的提高,杭州市民对采暖的需求越来越强烈,仅在2016年,杭州就新增了8 000户地暖用户,地暖用户总量达3万户,主要
[Abstract]:Hangzhou Gas Group will launch the gas household heating service in March 2017, users can freely set the heating time, temperature, heat can be measured separately according to their actual situation. Hangzhou climate is "hot in summer and cold in winter", but because it does not belong to the "heating area" north of Qinling-Huaihe River in China, there are no centralized heating facilities and no related standard requirements. With the improvement of living standards, the demand for heating by Hangzhou citizens is becoming stronger and stronger. In 2016 alone, Hangzhou added 8,000 new users of ground heating, with the total number of ground heating users reaching 30,000, mainly in 2016.
[Abstract]:Hangzhou Gas Group will launch the gas household heating service in March 2017, users can freely set the heating time, temperature, heat can be measured separately according to their actual situation. Hangzhou climate is "hot in summer and cold in winter", but because it does not belong to the "heating area" north of Qinling-Huaihe River in China, there are no centralized heating facilities and no related standard requirements. With the improvement of living standards, the demand for heating by Hangzhou citizens is becoming stronger and stronger. In 2016 alone, Hangzhou added 8,000 new users of ground heating, with the total number of ground heating users reaching 30,000, mainly in 2016.
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