[Abstract]:Based on the meteorological observation data from the central meteorological station in the city of Chuxiong City and the surrounding 9 encryption meteorological stations and the Nanhua 2010-2014, the paper analyses and studies the characteristics and causes of the urban climate change in the city of Chuxiong in recent years by using the Excel production chart and the like, and obtains the change law of the urban climate in Chuxiong City. The natural and human factors that affect the urban climate of Chuxiong are analyzed by the gray correlation analysis method. The results show that, in recent years, the strength of the heat island has decreased, the intensity of the heat island is the highest in 2010, and in 2013, the intensity of the heat island is the strongest in March and the weakest in August. The precipitation in the past five years has a large fluctuation and the precipitation is the most in 2014. In 2012, the effect of the urban rain island is obvious, the rainfall and the dry season are clear, and the intensity of the rainy island in the city is greater than the dry season. The relative humidity of the city is less than that of the suburbs, the effect of the dry island of the city is obvious, and the intensity of the dry island in the city of Chuxiong is greater than the dry season. The factors that affect the urban climate in Chuxiong City have both the human factors and the natural factors, and the influence of the human factors is greater than the natural factors.
【作者单位】: 楚雄师范学院地理科学与旅游管理学院;
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