发布时间:2018-01-11 23:03
本文关键词:职业认同视角下胡道静新闻活动研究 出处:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:胡道静是我国古文献学家、科技史学家,他一生研究丰富,著述颇多,在这些领域做出了突出的贡献。而他在解放以前,也在新闻界工作了相当长的时间,出版了多部新闻史著作。同时,胡道静是20世纪30年代至40年代在战争环境下坚持进行新闻学研究的学者之一,并主动把自己的新闻实践活动融入到争取民族解放和追求民主自由的洪流中去,代表了一代爱国知识分子社会活动轨迹的转变历程。本文把胡道静的新闻活动放在职业认同的视角下,通过对胡道静“从事新闻业的缘起和动机”、“对新闻和新闻业的认知”、“职业情感和忠诚度”以及“自我身份认同”四个方面来考察胡道静的职业认同情况,力图揭示胡道静在从事新闻活动中的心路历程。全文主体分为五个部分: 第一章首先介绍了职业认同的概念,以及职业认同的研究因素。职业认同是职业社会学里的一个概念,近年来被广泛的应用于教师、警察、医生等职业的研究,现在也有学者将其引入到新闻学领域,用来研究新闻史人物的职业认同的情况。同时,本章还对胡道静的学习生涯和家庭的国学传统、父辈的报刊活动进行了考察,讲述胡道静在正式开始新闻工作之前所受到的家庭和教育的影响。 论文第二章是对胡道静从事新闻业的动机的考察。胡道静大学刚毕业遭遇到了“一·二八事变”,人生的轨迹开始转变,胡道静来到了通志馆开始修史的工作。而后,日军进行了大规模的侵华战争,胡道静就进入到了用报纸进行抗日的洪流中,正式进入到新闻行业。因此,胡道静这个时期的工作有着明显的时代痕迹和时代烙印。胡道静选择新闻行业有一部分原因为了生计,养家糊口,但是更主要的是胡道静在了解了报刊功能的基础上用报刊来进行了“新闻救国”。 论文第三章分析了胡道静对新闻和新闻业的认知。胡道静从1932年进入通志馆修史以来,就开始了对新闻史的研究,一直到上海解放前胡道静离开新闻界,期间一直进行着新闻史的研究工作,可谓是“学习型报人”。他对新闻业和新闻事业有着明确的认知,并且伴随着职业认知加深的和职业认同的加深,直在不断的深化。 论文第四章揭示了胡道静的工作态度和忠诚度。胡道静正式开始新闻工作是在“孤岛”时期,当时他身处残酷的内部和外部工作环境,日寇和汪伪将租界抗日报纸视为眼中钉,采用威胁恐吓、武装袭击、绑架暗杀等恐怖手段,对新闻界进行迫害、摧残。这个时期的胡道静,展示了一个爱国进步报人的担当,针锋相对地同日伪展开了英勇顽强的斗争。在从事新闻活动中,胡道静也展现了自己较高的新闻职业素养。在抗日胜利后,胡道静回到上海,以“为读者做一张良心上毫无谴责的好报纸”为目标,开始在《正言报》的工作,直至《正言报》被封馆。 论文的第五章论述的是胡道静在从事新闻职业过程中的自我身份认同.在“孤岛”和抗战时期,胡道静对自己的身份认同是新闻界的“文字战士”,利用手中的笔同敌人做斗争;在抗日胜利主持《正言报》的时候,胡道静本着“为读者做一张良心上毫无谴责的好报纸”的原则,多次强调自己的“报人”身份,同时,也表达了对“报人疲于应付政治”的不满,体现了其对新闻职业化、专业化的希冀。 结合前面的论述,笔者得出的结论是,虽然胡道静是“新闻界的过客”,但是胡道静在从事新闻业的过程中,有着较高的职业认同,同时,他的职业认同也是不断加深的。胡道静在从事新闻业中,对新闻规律的重视,较高的职业素养以及不断研究的史家精神,都对我们当今的新闻从业者有着众多的启发意义。
[Abstract]:Hu Daojing is the ancient Chinese literature writers, historians of science, his life of rich, writing a lot, in these areas have made outstanding contributions. He also works before liberation, for quite a long time in the press, publishing a number of news history. At the same time, Hu Daojing is one of the scholars from 1930s to 40s in the war under the environment of insisting on the study of journalism, and take the initiative to put their press activities into the struggle for national liberation and the pursuit of freedom and democracy trend, on behalf of the transformation process of a generation of patriotic intellectuals social activities. The track news activities on Hu Daojing from the perspective of occupation identity, according to Hu Daojing "in the news the origin and motivation", "the news and journalism cognition", "four aspects of occupation emotion and loyalty" and "self identity" of Hu Daojing The career identity of Hu Daojing tries to reveal the heart course in the news activities. The full text is divided into five parts:
The first chapter introduces the concept of occupation identity, and factors of occupation identity. Occupation identity is a concept in social occupation, in recent years has been widely used in the study of teachers, police, doctors and other occupation, now have also been introduced to the field of journalism, to study the history of news figures occupation identity. At the same time, this chapter also in Hu Daojing's study career and family Ancient Chinese Literature Search traditional press activities, parents were investigated, about Hu Daojing at the beginning of the formal news before work by the family and education.
The second chapter is the study of journalism on Hu Daojing's motives. Hu Daojing graduated from university encountered a "January 28th incident, the trajectory of life began to change, Hu Daojing came to the Museum of history. Annals started later, the Japanese conducted a large-scale invasion of China, Hu Daojing entered the Japanese torrent in newspaper in the formal entry into the news industry. Therefore, the work of Hu Daojing during this period there are obvious signs of the times and the brand of the times. Hu Daojing's choice of the news industry are part of the reason for their livelihood, their families, but the main thing is Hu Daojing in the understanding of the basic function of press on with the newspaper to" news of salvation ".
The third chapter analyzes Hu Daojing's cognition of news and journalism. Since Hu Daojing from 1932 into the annals of History Museum, began to study the history of journalism, until Hu Daojing left the press before the liberation of Shanghai, during the research work has been carried out in the history of journalism, it is a "learning journalist". He has a clear the cognition of Journalism and journalism, and accompanied by the occupation and occupation identity cognition further deepened, straight in the unceasing deepening.
The fourth chapter reveals Hu Daojing's work attitude and loyalty. Hu Daojing started working in the news is the "isolated island" period, he was in the cruelty of the internal and external environment, the Japanese aggressors and the puppet Japanese newspaper as the settlement by threats, deep hatred, armed assault, kidnapping assassinations and other terrorist means of persecution on the press, devastated. During this period Hu Daojing, show as a patriotic journalist, with the Japanese launched a tit for tat brave struggle. In the news activity, Hu Daojing shows himself high news in the Anti Japanese occupation. After the victory, Hu Daojing returned to Shanghai, "for the reader to do a good conscience no condemnation of the newspaper" as the goal, beginning in the daily work is < < > is right, until the newspaper Museum closed.
The fifth chapter is Hu Daojing engaged in self identity in the process of news occupation. In the "island" and the Anti Japanese War, Hu Daojing is to press the "text" fighters for their identity, use the pen to struggle with the enemy; when the Tribune presided over the words "in the spirit of victory, Hu Daojing" for the reader to make a conscience without condemnation of the newspaper "principle, repeatedly stressed that his" journalists "identity, at the same time, also expressed to the journalists struggling with political discontent, reflects its occupation of the news, hoping to specialization.
According to the above discussion, the author concludes that although Hu Daojing is "the press." but Hu Daojing, engaged in the process of journalism, has a higher occupation identity, at the same time, his occupation identity is also deepening. Hu Daojing engaged in journalism, of the news attention, higher occupation literacy and continue to study the historians of spirit, has many enlightening significance for us today's journalists.
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