本文关键词:《聊斋志异》传奇法研究 出处:《东北师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:“用传奇之法,而以志怪”是鲁迅先生针对《聊斋志异》一书在其创作成就上提出的重要论断。本文便是围绕这一论断展开,充分阐释,深入探讨。 论文共分为三大部分,,第一部分阐释从志怪小说到传奇小说再到《聊斋志异》一书的形成,揭示三者之间的传承与彼此间的相互影响。第二部分具体阐释传奇法在《聊斋志异》创作中的具体表现。从三个层面给予讨论,即有意志怪的创作心理、博古通今的创作手法、以及诗意化的意境创造。第三部分致力于阐释《聊斋志异》这部书的独立与创新之处,也从三个层面予以讨论,即题材描写的“同而不同”、直承史传文学的结构设计、“主情思潮”下的少女塑造。 研究《聊斋志异》不仅可以让我们重温国学经典,对现代的我们也有重要的意义,它可以给我们提供一种创作的方法和思路,同时也让我们懂得我们在创作中可以继承前人、踩着巨人的肩膀进行文学创作和研究。当然,书中也针砭时弊的提出了许多关于社会弊端和人性缺点的问题,这也值得我们深思。
[Abstract]:"Legend of the law, and the ghost" is Mr. Lu Xun for the important statement presented in the book < > Strange Tales from Liaozhai its creation achievement. This thesis is focusing on this assertion, fully explain, in-depth discussion.
This paper is divided into three parts, the first part explains from novels to Legendary Novels to form a book < > Strange Tales from Liaozhai, the mutual influence between the three reveals the inheritance and each other. The second part interprets the legend in < > Strange Tales from Liaozhai creation. Given the discussion from three aspects, namely will the strange creation psychology, very learned writing style, artistic conception and poetic creation. Independent innovation and the third part is devoted to explaining the book < > Strange Tales from Liaozhai, also be discussed from three aspects, namely the subject description of the "same but different", the structure design of the biography of direct bearing ". The main trend of feeling" a girl under the building.
Study on < > Strange Tales from Liaozhai can not only let us revisit the classic Ancient Chinese Literature Search, also has important significance to our modern, it can provide a method and idea of creation to us, also let us know how we can inherit the predecessors in the creation, standing on the shoulders of giants of literary creation and research. Of course, in the book also point out problems put forward a lot of social problems and shortcomings of human nature, it is also worth considering.
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