本文关键词: 哲学家 讲坛哲学 批判精神 马克思主义哲学 批判性 马克思哲学 方法论 哲学工作者 哲学研究 当代中国哲学 出处:《晋阳学刊》2006年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Introduction: in contemporary China, contradictions and conflicts brought about by social transformation urgently require philosophers to face the reality and play the leading and pointing role of philosophy in the face of problems, because, as the essence of the spirit of the times and the concentrated embodiment of human wisdom, Philosophy is not a pure system of knowledge. It also provides ideals, beliefs and value orientations on the basis of knowledge of scientific value. In the most fundamental sense, philosophy is regarded as a world view, a view of history, a value view, and a methodology. Was realized in the thinking and practical activities of analyzing and solving the most important practical problems of the times. And the embarrassing thing is that our philosophy is far from performing its proper function. If the philosopher loses the spirit of criticism, the consciousness of reflection and the sense of social concern, Philosophy has lost its direction and guidance. Philosophers' critical spirit and consciousness of reflection are reflected not only in social problems, but also in the reflection and criticism of philosophy and philosophers themselves. As an interview on contemporary philosophical issues, it is natural that we should pay attention to the problems existing in contemporary Chinese philosophy and philosophers themselves. He has a deep understanding of the trend of the development of domestic philosophy and the existing problems. His "quintessence. Retro ancient times. Culture-A noticeable ideological tendency", "the spirit of the May 4th Movement: reappraisal or reaffirmation", "from the ideological world to reality" World "," Confucius and brother Kong "," the study of Chinese culture, ideology and a hundred schools of thought "," out of the cultural swamp of concept theory "," "alienation and restriction of public power", "reflect reality from the height of methodology", "forever homesickness", "comment on a kind of article" The philosophical papers and commentaries, such as "the philosophy of the pulpit: the Emperor's New clothes", have deeply analyzed the existing problems and the causes of contemporary Chinese philosophy from many aspects through sharp strokes. Has produced the important influence in the academic field.
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