发布时间:2018-07-14 12:06
【摘要】:《离骚》是楚辞研究中最为重要的篇章,从古至今对它的研究极其繁多。此一方面是因《离骚》本身极具内蕴,另一方面也是诸位学者在研究过程当中不断再现和拓展的结果。最为重要的是,随着时代的发展,《离骚》研究和时代思潮相结合总能呈现出新的生机。发展到二十世纪,世界文化交融达到了前所未有的程度,新的研究思路、研究方法不断涌现,《离骚》研究也改变了单一研究的局面,向着多元化方向发展。近年来,由于国学日益受到重视,《离骚》研究可以说达到了繁盛的局面,每一年都有大量的单篇论文和学术论著出现。楚辞研究领域研究者辈出,取得了不少的研究成果。本文以不同的研究方法作为切入点,对《离骚》进行多角度的审视,并结合已经取得的研究成果对《离骚》研究的规律、文化背景、民俗事象作深入的探索。 全文共分五部分。第一部分为绪论,讲述本文的选题依据及研究思路。第二部分为从文艺学角度解读《离骚》。此部分主要从《离骚》的整体研究出发,探讨《离骚》研究中文本、作家、研究者和时代的相互关系,并对历代研究观点作一梳理,同时提出自己的见解。运用文艺学的原理从宏观上把握《离骚》研究的时代变化,反映出研究不断深入的轨迹。第三部分为从文化学的角度解读《离骚》。从这一角度出发,主要探讨《离骚》的文化背景、历史渊源。《离骚》是屈原融合中原文化和楚文化的结果,但从《离骚》中也能看出其他文化因子的影响。在中原文化的影响下,《离骚》中呈现出现实主义的特色。在楚文化的影响下,《离骚》主要呈现巫文化特色。其它文化共同作用,使得《离骚》的文化气息呈现多样化的特点。第四部分为从民俗学角度解读《离骚》。《离骚》的形成与民俗息息相关,屈原在完成这部作品时,就充分利用了当时的民俗事象。本文选取其中较有特色的服饰习俗、卜筮习俗、图腾崇拜习俗,从中可以看出屈原将其艺术化的展现在作品中,使得作品极具魅力。而通过对习俗的了解、还原也可以深入的分析《离骚》。第五部分为结语,总结《离骚》研究的新方法和新特色。
[Abstract]:In recent years , with the development of the times , the research of the world culture has changed the situation of the new research , and the research methods of the study have changed the situation of the single study and developed in the pluralistic direction . In recent years , the research on the study of the Chu Ci has changed the situation of the single study and has made a lot of research results .
The article is divided into five parts . The first part is the introduction , the basis and the thought of the research . The second part is to study the relationship between the text , the writer , the researcher and the times in the study of Qu Yuan from the perspective of literature and art .
[Abstract]:In recent years , with the development of the times , the research of the world culture has changed the situation of the new research , and the research methods of the study have changed the situation of the single study and developed in the pluralistic direction . In recent years , the research on the study of the Chu Ci has changed the situation of the single study and has made a lot of research results .
The article is divided into five parts . The first part is the introduction , the basis and the thought of the research . The second part is to study the relationship between the text , the writer , the researcher and the times in the study of Qu Yuan from the perspective of literature and art .
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