[Abstract]:Nowadays, there are more and more institutions and schools that use the place and name of ancient academies to carry out the education of Chinese classics, showing a tendency of academicalization of traditional Chinese learning education. However, there are some problems in the purpose, mode and mechanism of abusing the name of academies to carry out the education of Chinese learning. In order to overcome the utilitarian thought and standardize the society, the academies should give full play to the structural function of "the academy is the form of Chinese learning education and the Chinese learning is the content of the college education", and the primary and secondary schools should read the classics as the main way. To increase the proportion of the contents of Chinese culture education in the secondary examination and the entrance examination of the college entrance examination, to enhance the humanities literacy and the ability to be a man, to give play to the role of the main position of the education of Chinese culture, and to emphasize the practice of the spirit of the academy in addition to the reading of classics; in some universities, The Academy system is the management mode of students' community life, while the Institute of Chinese Studies is devoted to the training and academic research of specialized Chinese students, which should be integrated in the system and objectives, and through the introduction of the subject of general education of Chinese studies and the adoption of the academic style of discussion. This paper introduces the integration of traditional Chinese learning education into the whole field and process of talent training in universities, and jointly undertakes the responsibility of cultivating excellent teachers for all kinds of Chinese education institutions at all levels, so that the universities can truly become the bases for carrying forward the excellent traditional culture of China.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学教育学院;
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