[Abstract]:To seriously and deeply reflect, criticize and inherit the traditional culture is not only the need of Marxism in China, but also the deep implication of the proposition "Marxism and Confucianism". Since 1980's, the academic circle has carried on the positive reflection and the thorough discussion around the Marxism and the Confucianism. With the deepening and development of the research, especially in the heat of the study of Chinese classics, people find that it is more and more urgent and practical to pay attention to and study the issue of "Marxism and Confucianism". From the philosophical point of view, this situation itself shows that Marxist philosophy has experienced more than 100 years of spread, development and localization in China, although it has gained a new theoretical form. However, there are still difficulties in the issue of "legitimacy" of Chinese Marxist philosophy. On the other hand, it also shows that if Chinese Marxism wants to maintain the mainstream status in China, it cannot and cannot be separated from the traditional Chinese culture. Here, there is not only the question of how to correctly understand and treat the traditional and traditional culture, but also the reflection of the connotation of the proposition of Sinicization. The key lies in how to realize the combination of Marxism and Chinese traditional culture. To find the combination of Marxist philosophy and Chinese philosophical tradition, so that Marxist philosophy can really gain the identity of national culture in China. To this, academia has different understanding and practice. To this end, this issue specially organized the following four articles for discussion, in order to provide dinner to readers.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学哲学学院;
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