[Abstract]:Positive "academic" seems to be a familiar concept, but it is not easy to make it clear, especially when we bring it into a context of East-West differences. In our country, the origin of "academic" in the modern sense should be traced back to the development of western learning in the late Qing Dynasty, which clearly refers to the "science" and "technology" of the West. Luo Zhitian mentioned that as early as 1896, Liang Qichao's introduction to the Bibliographic Table of Western Studies classified western studies into two categories. Many subjects in "science" were "studies", such as "historiography, official system, academic system, legal system, and agricultural politics." Mining, industrial, commercial, military, shipping, and other "practical" subjects, which belong to "politics", "politics" is "skill", "art" is different from "study", "study expensive exploration," "(Luo Zhitian: the State and the academic: the ideological argumentation on" Chinese Culture "in the early Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China." Life Reading New knowledge Sanlian Bookstore 2003, 8 pages). " So, from the perspective of western learning,
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