[Abstract]:In this paper, based on the mechanism of voluntary donation, the author designed an experimental scheme of the degree of harmony between individuals under spontaneous state, rule of virtue and rule of law by using the method of experimental economics. After nearly two years, 352 subjects were observed. By analyzing their harmonious behaviors and their laws under different constraints, the following preliminary conclusions are drawn: the degree of harmony is very low in spontaneous state; The degree of harmony between individuals can be increased by 278.95 at the beginning of the implementation of the rule of virtue, but then there is a recession, with an average decrease of 15.29 at a time; The rule of law can effectively promote cooperation, the average degree of harmony is seven times that of the past, and the Pareto optimal state is quickly reached. This study shows that the rule of virtue has a certain role in the construction of a harmonious society, but there is no way to ensure social harmony, can not be moral persuasion, the New Chinese Studies Movement too big fantasy; There is a significant positive relationship between the rule of law and social harmony, and only by the rule of law can a harmonious society be realized. These conclusions can provide important reference basis for government and enterprises to make policies.
【基金】:广东省团队建设项目:基于规范政府管制的公共服务型地方政府评价指标体系研究(KT005) 2007年广东省社科基金项目:民营经济发展与地方政府管制性壁垒研究(07D02)
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