本文选题:中学生 + 时间管理倾向 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 人们往往做紧急但不重要的任务,忽视重要而不紧急的任务,这就是时间管理问题,这种现象是普遍存在的,因此对时间管理进行深入研究是非常必要的。时间管理倾向是个体在对待时间功能和价值上,在运用时间方式上所表现出来的心理和行为特征,是多维度、多层次的人格特征。时间管理倾向的形成和发展与个体的学业成绩责任、成就动机等因素存在密切关系。本研究目的是:1.采用验证性因素分析方法考察青少年时间管理倾向量表的信度和效度;2.考察中学生时间管理倾向的特点,描述我国中学生时间管理倾向的群体特征;3.考察中学生时间管理倾向与学业成绩责任、成就动机的关系,探讨中学生时间管理倾向形成的内部机制。正式施测在河北省石家庄市、山东省青岛市、烟台市5所中学进行分层整群抽样,选取被试777名,男生375名,女生402名。通过对数据的统计分析,研究得出以下结论:1.青少年时间管理倾向量表具有较好的信效度指标。2.中学生的时间管理倾向整体水平处于中等偏上。在时间管理倾向及时间价值感、时间监控观上,女生均显著优于男生。在时间价值感上,非独生子女显著优于独生子女。时间管理倾向及三个维度上,存在着显著的年级差异。3.时间管理水平不同的中学生在学业成绩责任及其分维度成功内控和失败内控,成就动机及其分维度追求成功、避免失败的动机(除时间价值感)上均存在显著差异。4.时间管理倾向及三个维度与学业成绩责任及各维度呈显著正相关;时间管理倾向及各维度与成就动机及追求成功的动机呈显著正相关,与避免失败的动机(时间价值感除外)呈显著负相关;学业成绩责任及两个维度与成就动机及追求成功的动机呈显著正相关,学业成绩责任及成功内控与避免失败的动机呈显著负相关,失败内控与避免失败的动机相关不显著。5.成就动机(追求成功的动机)在学业成绩责任和时间管理倾向间起着部分中介的作用,即学业成绩责任不仅可以直接影响时间管理倾向,还可以通过成就动机(追求成功的动机)影响时间管理倾向。
[Abstract]:People often do urgent but not important tasks, ignore important but not urgent tasks, this is the problem of time management, this phenomenon is widespread, so it is very necessary to study time management deeply. The tendency of time management is the psychological and behavioral characteristics of the individual in the treatment of time function and value and the use of time style. It is a multi-dimensional and multi-level personality characteristic. The formation and development of time management tendency is closely related to individual academic achievement responsibility and achievement motivation. The purpose of this study is: 1. The reliability and validity of youth time management disposition scale were investigated by confirmatory factor analysis. This paper investigates the characteristics of middle school students' time management tendency, and describes the group characteristics of middle school students' time management tendency. This paper investigates the relationship between middle school students' time management tendency, academic achievement responsibility and achievement motivation, and probes into the internal mechanism of the formation of middle school students' time management tendency. Five middle schools in Shijiazhuang City, Shandong Province, Qingdao City, Shandong Province and Yantai City were selected for stratified cluster sampling. 777 subjects were selected, 375 boys and 402 girls. Through the statistical analysis of the data, the study draws the following conclusion: 1. Adolescent time management disposition scale has good reliability and validity index. 2. The overall level of time management tendency of middle school students is above the average. In terms of time management tendency, sense of time value and view of time monitoring, girls were significantly better than boys. In the sense of time value, the non-only child is significantly better than the only child. There are significant grade differences in time management tendency and three dimensions. There are significant differences in academic achievement responsibility and its subdimension of success control and failure control, achievement motivation and its subdimension pursuit of success, avoidance of failure motivation (except sense of time value) among middle school students with different time management level. 4. Time management disposition and three dimensions were positively correlated with academic achievement responsibility and each dimension, and time management tendency and each dimension had significant positive correlation with achievement motivation and pursuit motivation. There was a significant negative correlation with the motivation to avoid failure (except the sense of time value), and there was a significant positive correlation between academic achievement responsibility and two dimensions of achievement motivation and the motivation to pursue success. Academic achievement responsibility and internal control of success were negatively correlated with motivation to avoid failure, while failure control had no significant correlation with motivation to avoid failure. Achievement motivation (motivation for success) plays an intermediary role between academic achievement responsibility and time management tendency, that is, academic achievement responsibility can not only directly affect time management tendency. Time management tendencies can also be influenced by achievement motivation (motivation for success).
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