[Abstract]:College education in agriculture in the United States refers to all education in agriculture, agribusiness and renewable natural resources that is higher than high school and below a bachelor's degree in college. Institutions providing specialized education in agriculture in the United States include: technical colleges, junior colleges, community colleges, regional vocational schools, private schools of finance, trade and technology, and four-year colleges and colleges. But most agricultural colleges are provided by community colleges. The development of agricultural education. Americans value education so much that they believe that formal agricultural education can bring them financial and non-economic benefits. In view of the value of formal education, many occupational sectors, such as agribusiness, industry and government departments, wish to have their employees examined through the education system; The practice is to require employees to hold a professional certificate, such as a professional license, certificate of qualification, degree or certificate of academic achievement, in terms of the employment system. As a result, in order to be competent in some agricultural jobs today, practitioners must accept post-high school education.
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