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发布时间:2019-01-23 08:13
[Abstract]:It is an inevitable choice for enterprises to strengthen their market competitiveness and implement their development strategy by fully developing human resources and generally improving the skill and technical level of their employees in order to meet the needs of enterprises' development in order to meet the needs of globalization and informationization. So, at the present stage, what is the stage of development of education and training in Chinese enterprises? Can its internal management system and operational mechanism really meet the strategic needs of enterprise development? Is the policy environment for the competent departments of education at all levels to support the development of enterprise education and training to be perfect? Especially as the training center of the enterprise education and training base, how should its status and function be evaluated? Understanding these problems will help to promote the development of enterprise education and training in our country. Therefore, the editorial department of the journal held a symposium on April 8 at the conference room of the Shanghai Telecom training Center, which was attended by five directors of the Shanghai training Center. The participants analyzed the problems existing in the enterprise education and training from various angles, and analyzed the problems in the enterprise education in the new century.
【作者单位】: 上海电讯培训中心


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