[Abstract]:Regular staff and workers are the most important resources of enterprises, and the quality of employees determines the rise and fall of enterprises. Therefore, strengthening the education of enterprise staff and workers and constantly improving the quality of enterprise staff and workers is an important work of enterprises. China's entry into WTO, is the coexistence of opportunities and challenges. Whether the opportunities are greater than the challenges, or whether the challenges are greater than the opportunities, the key depends on whether we have made comprehensive preparations. Only by leading a group of high-quality teams with combat effectiveness can enterprises adapt to the fierce competition after China's entry into WTO and win in the competition. However, most of our enterprises do not have the strength to participate in international competition and have not yet established an effective staff education mechanism. The quality of enterprise staff and workers needs to be improved urgently, and the education work of enterprise staff and workers is still facing many difficulties, which are mainly manifested in:
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