发布时间:2018-11-28 09:49
【摘要】: 教育在推动社会发展中起了关键性的作用。中国是一个文明古国,有着久远的教育历史,特别是新中国诞生以来,我国的教育事业得到了空前的发展,取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就,受到世界的普遍赞誉。但是,在教育发展过程中,如何实现教育公平,一直是困扰我们的问题,未得到根本的解决。尤其是在改革开放的新形势下,许多原本在改革中没有被重视的问题,逐步发展成为社会问题并不断暴露,如贫富差距扩大化而带来的贫富阶层之间的冲突;城乡差别扩大化而带来的城乡之间的冲突;地区差别扩大化而带来的地区之间的冲突;物质文明与精神文明发展失衡而导致的价值观扭曲和道德滑坡等。凡此种种,直接威胁到社会的和谐与稳定。因此,党和政府提出要构建和谐的社会主义社会。在和谐社会建设进程中,实现教育公平是极其重要的方面。本文从我国义务教育的实际情况出发,在指出义务教育已取得成就的同时,对其存在的显失公平的问题进行列举,分析这些问题所造成的危害及其成因,探讨我国实现义务教育公平的途径,为义务教育的发展与和谐社会建设献计献策。
[Abstract]:Education plays a key role in promoting social development. China is an ancient civilization with a long history of education, especially since the birth of New China, our educational cause has been unprecedented development, has made great achievements that attract worldwide attention, and has been universally praised by the world. However, in the process of educational development, how to realize educational fairness has always been a problem puzzling us and has not been fundamentally solved. Especially in the new situation of reform and opening up, many problems which had not been paid attention to gradually developed into social problems, such as the conflicts between the rich and the poor caused by the widening gap between the rich and the poor. The conflicts between urban and rural areas brought by the widening of urban-rural differences; the conflicts between regions brought about by the widening of regional differences; the distortion of values and moral decline caused by the imbalance between the development of material civilization and spiritual civilization, and so on. All these directly threaten the harmony and stability of the society. Therefore, the Party and the government proposed to build a harmonious socialist society. In the process of building a harmonious society, it is very important to realize educational fairness. Starting from the actual situation of compulsory education in our country, this paper points out the achievements of compulsory education, enumerates the problems of obvious inequity, analyzes the harm caused by these problems and their causes. This paper probes into the ways to realize the equity of compulsory education in China, and makes suggestions for the development of compulsory education and the construction of a harmonious society.
[Abstract]:Education plays a key role in promoting social development. China is an ancient civilization with a long history of education, especially since the birth of New China, our educational cause has been unprecedented development, has made great achievements that attract worldwide attention, and has been universally praised by the world. However, in the process of educational development, how to realize educational fairness has always been a problem puzzling us and has not been fundamentally solved. Especially in the new situation of reform and opening up, many problems which had not been paid attention to gradually developed into social problems, such as the conflicts between the rich and the poor caused by the widening gap between the rich and the poor. The conflicts between urban and rural areas brought by the widening of urban-rural differences; the conflicts between regions brought about by the widening of regional differences; the distortion of values and moral decline caused by the imbalance between the development of material civilization and spiritual civilization, and so on. All these directly threaten the harmony and stability of the society. Therefore, the Party and the government proposed to build a harmonious socialist society. In the process of building a harmonious society, it is very important to realize educational fairness. Starting from the actual situation of compulsory education in our country, this paper points out the achievements of compulsory education, enumerates the problems of obvious inequity, analyzes the harm caused by these problems and their causes. This paper probes into the ways to realize the equity of compulsory education in China, and makes suggestions for the development of compulsory education and the construction of a harmonious society.
相关期刊论文 前2条
1 杨东平,周金燕;我国教育公平评价指标初探[J];教育研究;2003年11期
2 李慧;教育公平与教育效率关系再探[J];教育与经济;2000年03期