本文关键词:湖南省长沙市白领人群健商水平调查分析 出处:《广西民族大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In 21th century, health quotient is a new concept of health. In the situation of increasingly severe aging trend and increasing social competition pressure, health has been paid more and more attention by the public. The level of health quotient is not increasing. The level of health quotient of modern white-collar workers is getting worse and worse. In this paper, four districts (Furong District, Yuhua District, Kaifu District) in Changsha City. Yuelu District) of the modern white-collar this elite class as the research object, using mathematical statistics to study its methods. Objective: through the same province and city between white-collar marriage status. There are two main purposes of data survey and analysis on occupational and gender differences. First, in order to understand the health quotient level of this kind of population, analyze the factors that affect the health quotient level. In order to formulate the corresponding health education plan and intervention measures, the second, is conducive to the spread of health quotient concept and health education knowledge promotion. At the same time, it provides a valuable theoretical reference for the further improvement of the health quality of the whole people in the later stage. Conclusion: the total health quotient index of white-collar population in Changsha is not ideal on the whole; The relationship between self-care and physical and mental health of white-collar people is not enough, and lack of methods to obtain physical and mental health, physical and emotional state awareness is poor; White-collar people have a good understanding of health knowledge, health quotient index is the highest in the five dimensions, most white-collar workers have certain health knowledge, but the understanding of health knowledge is not comprehensive and systematic. The male white-collar is better than the lady white-collar; Most white-collar people have an unhealthy lifestyle, mainly reflected in the poor dietary structure, lack of physical exercise, life and rest do not return to the law and so on. These causes a very serious threat to the health of white-collar people. Among them, male white-collar workers are slightly better than women white-collar workers, civil servants are slightly better than other white-collar workers, and married white-collar workers with children are better than unmarried. Divorced and married white-collar workers without children; The mental state of white-collar group is ideal, the mental state and psychological state are better, but need further promotion, among which the male white-collar is worse than the female white-collar, and the personal belief is different in different occupational groups. The average citizen is better than the white-collar group, and teachers have the lowest health quotient index in this respect; The understanding of life skills and work, social care and interpersonal relationship among white-collar people is not comprehensive enough. Among them, married white-collar workers without children are better than unmarried people, men are better than women.
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