本文关键词: 中国足协 行政性垄断 法律规制 竞争机制 竞争政策 类竞争法 出处:《武汉体育学院学报》2017年07期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The reform of the Chinese Football Association is not only a beneficial attempt under the background of the structural reform of the whole country, but also a vanguard of the industry reform, especially the deadministrative reform, which is of great significance. As a result of the system transition forced the transfer of government functions, legal authorization caused by the autonomy of too large and formed an administrative monopoly status, consciously or unconsciously implemented mandatory transactions, regional blockade. Compulsory operators restrict competition and other monopolistic behaviors, exclude and limit the competition of football market, and face the "internal and external troubles" of the legal regulation of the Football Association. We should distinguish the abstract and concrete characteristics of the administrative monopoly behavior of the Football Association and carry out "treatment". In view of the abstract administrative monopoly behavior of the Football Association, we can combine the competition mechanism with the competition policy. The regulation of the entity and procedure of the competition mechanism, the validity and content of the constitution of the Football Association, and so on; In the light of the specific administrative monopoly behavior of the Football Association, we can adopt the separation of the government and the association under the system transition, change the identity of the football association to realize its independence, break down the interests barrier and follow the market law, and establish the trade law of competition law. Improve the coordination mechanism of multi-agency law enforcement and make clear the legal status of the Football Association.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学法学院;江西省宜春市中级人民法院;
【正文快照】: 全面深化改革背景下,中国足球改革的重要目标和核心内容就是“调整改革中国足球协会”。究其根本,是因为足球协会(以下简称“足协”)的权利(力)配置不合理,治理的体制、机制不完善。其中,矛盾突出的是足协拥有“天然权力优势”,经常干预足球职业联赛的发展,实施了一系列行政性
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