本文关键词: 吉林省 短道速滑运动 可持续发展 策略研究 出处:《吉林体育学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Short track speed skating is an important gold medal winning event in China at the Winter Olympic Games. Jilin Province has incorporated this into the key sports development projects in this province. Among the many provinces that have developed the project, they have become the key development provinces of the project by virtue of their super strength. Every year, many excellent athletes are trained for the national professional short track speed skating team. The State Sports Administration has awarded Jilin Province a "talent training base for short track speed skating projects." however, China's social framework is undergoing a transformation in the development of the times. This has brought about the rise of interesting sports, and people's interest in skating has not increased, especially in the conflicts between athletes' training and cultural studies and in competitive sports, which are characterized by high risks, high costs, and low returns. This phenomenon seriously hinders the development of the short track speed skating project and makes its sustainable development insufficient. This paper takes the Jilin short track speed skating event as the research object. By using the methods of searching literature, interviewing experts, questionnaire investigation, logical reasoning, etc., Jilin Province has experienced coaches, managers, etc. Athletes and parents of athletes are the main objects of investigation. The balance of regional development in Jilin Province, the research status of Jilin short track speed skater team, the situation of coaches, the investment of funds, the balanced development of short track speed skating, The situation of material supply and security, the investigation and analysis of the management of sports teams by the leaders of the competent departments, the establishment of scientific management and competitions, and the training of athletes, The main reasons that hinder the development of their sports are studied thoroughly and deeply. The results show that the education level of short track speed skaters is low. It has become an important factor to hinder the growth of athletes. The scientific research level of coaches is low, the problems can not be discussed in written form, the distribution of short track speed skaters in our province is not balanced, the coaches are not systematic enough to select athletes, Only short term plans have no long term plans. Insufficient funds and expensive equipment seriously restrict the development of short track speed skating. This system can no longer adapt to and adapt to the development of today's society. We should adjust and establish a new training system as soon as possible. It is suggested to increase the audience of the project in Jilin Province and plan the relevant projects in a unified way. To expand the star effect to arouse the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in short track speed skating, to improve the professional quality and experience of coaches, We should increase the number of coaches going out to study or invite foreign coaches to exchange discussions. We should encourage coaches to study in a certain aspect of the training competition, improve the scientific level of training, and improve the treatment of coaches. Strengthen on-the-job training, establish a combination of scientific selection and scientific training, attach importance to athletes' cultural education and personality training, The research results are closely combined with sports training to make contribution to the sustainable development of short track speed skating in China.
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