本文选题:全民健身 切入点:标识系统 出处:《成都体育学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Large gatherings such as the Beijing Olympic Games and the Shanghai World Expo have been successfully held in China, in which the marking system has played an important role. At the same time, the standard of living of our people has been gradually improved, and the demand for participating in fitness exercises has been increasing. The development of national fitness has gradually become the focus of the development of sports in China. However, at present, the lack of a national fitness marking system has led to the fact that many sports resources for national fitness cannot be familiar to the public. Through consulting a large number of relevant information, this study collates and summarizes the concept of the marking system, and through field investigation, analyzes the construction of the relatively perfect tourism marking system at present. Abstract the construction of the marking system needs rich cultural background, scientific construction methods and various forms of expression. This study from the perspective of the national fitness campaign, This paper puts forward the concept of the marking system of the national fitness movement, analyzes its function and the significance of its construction, combining with the cultural connotation and the characteristics of the whole people's participation in the national fitness movement. At the same time, a field investigation of the status quo of the construction of the national fitness marking system provides a realistic basis for the construction of the national fitness marking system, according to the theoretical basis and the practical basis. The conclusion is that it is necessary to construct the national fitness marking system, which has a direct impact on the quality of the national fitness service system in China. The national fitness marking system is an important element of the continuous development of the national fitness movement, and it is also a part of the public environment marking system. Its construction needs to follow multidisciplinary knowledge as the guiding concept, including sports culture, regional culture, public environmental logo design, visual communication design, ergonomics, psychology, etc. And through visiting relevant experts in various disciplines, analyzing and discussing the contents involved in the national fitness marking system, it is concluded that the structure of the national fitness marking system can be divided into four levels, namely: total marking, type marking, Project identification, related service identification, the whole system elements are: identification class identification system, oriented class identification system, service class identification system and management class identification system. It has high efficiency and practical function, and has three principles of various forms of expression. Finally, according to the conclusion, the general logo of the national fitness marking system is designed, which provides a reference for the construction of the national fitness marking system.
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