本文选题:公共体育设施 切入点:发展 出处:《中国体育科技》2017年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The supply of traditional public sports facilities and the improvement of people's demand for the quality and function of public sports facilities are the main contradictions in the development of public sports facilities in China. To speed up and lead the transformation and upgrading of industries, Through scientific and technological innovation, government guidance and other ideas to improve the effective supply. In the analysis of the development of public sports facilities in China, On the basis of the actual situation, existing problems and influencing factors, it is put forward that to realize the innovation of system and mechanism from four aspects is the basic way to promote "supply-side reform": to make full use of all kinds of resources to increase the land supply of public sports facilities, To develop three-dimensional public sports facilities, to improve the intensity of land use, to improve the quality of public sports facilities from the perspective of scientific and technological innovation, to promote intelligent public sports facilities, to actively promote the PPP model, To attract social forces to participate in the supply of public sports facilities; to innovate the supply mode of public sports facilities.
【作者单位】: 中国矿业大学(北京)理学院;
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