本文选题:体育院校 切入点:田径 出处:《北京体育大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of track and field in our country and the increasing number of competitions, the demand for referees has been expanded constantly, and the higher standard has been put forward to its ability. As an important base for the training of referees, the sports colleges and universities are regarded as the important bases for the training of referees. How to develop their own advantages to cultivate a higher level of referees is a problem that should be considered by every sports college. This paper adopts the methods of literature, questionnaire, interview and logic analysis. Comparative analysis and mathematical statistics are used to study and compare the training system of track and field referees in eight sports colleges in China. The results show that some sports colleges lack supervision measures on the management of referees in various links, and do not pay enough attention to the training of referees in track and field, and do not set clear and comprehensive training objectives for referees of different grades. In the course of theoretical teaching of track and field referees, the referees' class hours are less, the teaching methods are mainly theoretical teaching, not enough attention is paid to the practical teaching, and in the spare time, The lack of initiative of student referees to learn the knowledge of track and field referees leads to a rudimentary understanding of the rules in the course of competition judgment; the number of times that individual school student referees participate in referee judgment is limited, and the judgment items or positions are relatively single. As a result, the students lack the judgment method and judgment experience seriously, and the judgment ability can not be fully developed. There is not much practical examination on the spot and the randomness is strong. This study is based on the objective system of the referee, the book of the referee's textbook, the teaching system of the referees' after-school theoretical knowledge, and the teaching system of the referees' after-school theoretical knowledge. The referees' practice system and evaluation system are studied. The referees' training target system is constructed from four aspects: political quality, physical quality, psychological quality and professional ability. At the same time, it is suggested that experts in the field of track and field refereeing in colleges and universities should jointly compile highly targeted teaching materials for students' referee teaching. In the teaching of referees' extracurricular theory, according to the emphases and difficulties of referees' knowledge, the reasonable arrangement is made to make up for the insufficient time of referees' knowledge in the syllabus teaching, and in the system of referees' practice, Fair selection of students should be made on the basis of reasonable arrangement of the referee resources or the assignment of judges out of the country. The record of referee practice should be established for the students to rotate the posts of the items when they hold the judgment; in the system of assessment and evaluation, To put forward more strict restrictive measures on the conditions of student registration, and to establish the proportion of the second-level and first-grade judges' theoretical and practical assessment, In this paper, a detailed scoring system. 4 is established for the content of theoretical and practical assessment. The judges' training is brought into certain management, and a track and field referee association is established with teachers as the main body and students as the main body. Implement standardized management and supervision over referees.
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