本文选题:中学生体质 切入点:运动处方 出处:《天津体育学院》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The purpose of the study is to enhance students' physical health has been the important content of the quality of China's population, according to physique monitoring in recent years, although the overall health status of middle school students have a certain degree of improvement, but the heart and lung function and aerobic endurance is still not optimistic, showed a downward trend, the reason is mainly because of the heart aerobic exercise capacity of lung boring, exercise intensity is larger. According to the students' physical and mental characteristics and development status of physique, find a suitable for middle school students, easy to carry, and can effectively improve the cardiopulmonary function and exercise students' aerobic endurance is particularly important. Orienteering is a collective energy, wisdom, leisure the sports project, is loved by the majority of students. This study aims to study ten weeks of exercise prescription intervention on directional motion based analysis before and after the experiment. Study on changes of indexes, secondary school students to enhance physical fitness, to provide the necessary experimental basis for scientific and reasonable exercise and enhance the physical fitness of middle school students. The study object is a middle school in the city of Tianjin, and the students' physical health test score of 79.9 points and below the three grade boys, each 40 people, a total of 120 people, each grade were randomly divided into control group and experimental group of 20.1. according to the standard for evaluation to develop "national student physical health standard >2014 in revised edition of three grade boys were tested, the screening score below 79.9 points and students, with 120 people selected as experimental subjects before the experiment.2. was tested by the height. Body weight, circumference, body composition and morphological index, cardiac function index, vital capacity, endurance, flexibility, strength and other physical functions, quality index and hemoglobin, blood glucose and other biochemical indicators of.3. according to the test results as subjects To develop the directional motion based prescription, exercise time, frequency and intensity determine the movement, intermittent time of.4. in experimental group was ten weeks, three times a week, every 50 minutes of exercise, sports center rate remained in reserve rate of 50%-80% (110 - 150b/min), the control group to maintain the original sports.5. exercise for ten weeks determination of prescription again after the index, before and after the experiment group and between the heart and lung function, power and other related results are compared and analyzed. Results: 1. after ten weeks of intervention, and the vital capacity of each grade of the students in the experimental group compared with a significant difference, according to the first, second, third grade respectively. 320.02ml (P0.01), 383.32ml (P0.01), 163.11ml (P0.05), the control group had no significant difference between.2. grade, grade two students in the experimental group and the endurance test results before the experiment compared with the very significant difference The 1000 meter race, with an average increase of 47.4 and 38.3 seconds. The power quality, the upper limb strength before and after the experiment of three grades had no difference, before and after lower limb strength quality grade three experiment compared with the very significant difference, the students in the control group no significant difference in body composition of muscle.3. content lower grade the second, third, three grade before and after the experiment compared with significant difference (P0.01), upper limb muscle content had no significant difference. No significant difference in blood pressure changes in the experimental group and the control group.4. before and after the experiment. Conclusion: 1. in the Orienteering Sports content of the exercise prescription is designed to meet the students' interests and hobbies, sports venues to simple, simple equipment, various forms of organization to stimulate students' sports enthusiasm and.2. ten weeks to directional movement as the main form of exercise prescription intervention scheme significantly Increasing the students' vital capacity and endurance, while the lower limb strength, muscle content also increased, compared with the ordinary sports can be more effective in promoting students' physique level.3. the experimental results for middle school students to enhance the physical fitness level in sports means and methods of providing a new choice.
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