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发布时间:2018-03-23 00:04

  本文选题:学龄前儿童 切入点:体力活动 出处:《上海体育学院》2015年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:研究目的基于体力活动客观测量方法,测量上海市学龄前儿童日常体力活动水平,并以现行的学龄前儿童体力活动推荐量为标准,评价上海市学龄前儿童体力活动达标百分比。在此基础上检验日常体力活动水平与认知能力水平之间的关联性,即体力活动水平高的学龄前儿童,是否同时表现出更好的认知能力。并进一步研究外周血相关蛋白表达水平,是否在体力活动对认知能力的影响中发挥中介作用。研究方法实验一(第二章)根据前期已公布体力活动水平数据,进行拟募集受试样本量估计。根据知情、自愿原则,共在上海杨浦、宝山区7个幼儿园募集受试学龄前儿童306名(男,176名;女,130名)。利用美国产Acti Graph GT3X+作为体力活动测量工具,受试者连续7天佩戴GT3X+加速度传感器来测量日常静坐行为和体力活动水平(5个工作日和2个周末日),测试期间仪器佩戴和摘除均由受试者家长协助完成。工作人员在7天测试结束后的第8天收回仪器,仪器收回后首先利用Actilife(Version6.11.5)对数据进行下载、查看,对于测量数据不符合要求或有缺失数据的受试者,在征得家长同意后进行相应补测。采样间隔设置为1s,将输出的原始counts值,以≤100counts/60秒,101-1679counts/60秒,1680-3367counts/60秒,≥3368counts/60秒为界值点计算得出每日静坐行为(SB)、轻强度(LPA)、中强度(MPA)和大强度(VPA)体力活动时间,总体体力活动水平(TPA)等于LPA、MPA与VPA之和。实验二(第三章)以《中国修订韦氏智力量表简式手册》(以下简称《手册》)为指导,选取言语测验和操作测验各2项构成“学龄前儿童智力简式测验量表”。2项言语测验量表分之和构成言语智商,2项操作测验量表分之和构成操作智商。根据《手册》赋予4项测验各自的权重系数,最后计算总智商。受试者心肺适能采用20米往返跑测量;运动适能采用10米×2折返跑测量。利用线性回归模型,探讨校正个人特征(性别、年龄、BMI、行为表现得分)、家庭背景(父母学历、家庭结构、经济收入)和体适能水平(心肺适能、运动适能)后,体力活动水平对认知能力的影响。实验三(第四章)受试学龄前儿童经家长同意并签署知情同书后,参加外周血IGF-1和BDNF检测。采集受试儿童清晨肘正中静脉血,采用酶联免疫吸附法(Enzyme-linked Immunosorben Assay,ELISA),美国RD System公司生产(Human IGF-1Quantikine ELISA Kit;Human BDNF Quantikine ELISA Kit)试剂盒对血浆IGF-1和BDNF浓度进行检测。采用线性回归模型检验外周血IGF-1和/或BDNF是否在体力活动对认知能力的影响中发挥中介作用。若假设成立,应满足以下三个条件:1,体力活动水平与认知能力显著相关;2,体力活动水平应与外周血IGF-1和/或BDNF含量显著相关;3,外周血IGF-1和/或BDNF含量在校正体力活动水平的前提下,与认知能力显著相关。研究结果实验一(第二章)(1)根据满足2个有效工作日+1个有效周末日数据的受试者纳入统计分析的标准,学龄前儿童体力活动测量无效35人,纳入统计分析共计271人,有效率为88.6%。其中男童152人,女童119人(男童占55.7%)。平均有效佩戴天数为6.3天,佩戴时间为750.1分钟。总体来说,学龄前儿童平均每天进行SB、LPA、MPA和VPA时间分别为580.6分钟、98.6分钟、40.3分钟和31.6分钟。除SB与MPA外,男童LPA、VPA、MVPA和TPA都显著高于女童;正常体重、超重和肥胖学龄前儿童之间静坐行为和不同强度体力活动水平无显著差异;周末的MPA和TPA显著高于工作日,与其对应的是周末的SB要显著低于工作日。(2)根据平均每天至少累积不同运动强度180分钟,和平均每天至少累积中等强度以上运动60分钟两个标准,本研究中上海市学龄前儿童分别有37.6%和74.9%的受试者到达推荐量要求。实验二(第三章)306名受试者中,完成认知能力测试共计291人(男,165名;女,124名),其中5名受试者表现出明显的智力发育迟缓(男4名;女1名,智商表现54.2-73.8分),不纳入最后统计分析;包括需要校正的混杂因素,共有260名受试者数据完整(男童,144名;女童,116名)。在男童的回归分析结果中,校正个人特征(性别、年龄、BMI、行为表现得分)、家庭背景(父母学历、家庭结构、经济收入)和体适能水平(心肺适能、运动适能)后,仍表现出LPA与全智商存在显著性正相关关系,标准化回归系数为0.260(P0.05)。女童回归分析结果中,未表现出体力活动水平对认知能力的显著关联性。实验三(第四章)306名学龄前受试者中,自愿参加外周血IGF-1和BDNF检测189名(男童,109名;女童,80名),其中体力活动水平、认知能力测试、外周血IGF-1和BDNF数据都完整的,共174名(男,97名;女,77名),无论男童或女童的回归分析结果中,均未见体力活动水平与外周血IGF-1和/或BDNF含量,以及外周血IGF-1和/或BDNF含量与认知能力之间显著关联性。研究结论实验一(第二章)本研究建立在体力活动客观测量基础之上,结果发现上海市学龄前儿童日常体力活动水平与他国同类研究报导数据相比,处于中等水平。根据现行的学龄前儿童体力活动推荐量的要求,至少仍有25%的受试者未达标,尤其是女童。在今后的研究中,应有意识的关注学龄前儿童体力活动干预方案,从小建立良好的运动习惯,增强体质与健康水平。实验二(第三章)本研究结果发现在男童中,体力活动水平与认知能力呈现显著正关联性,其中以LPA的影响最为显著,LPA每提高10分钟/天,全智商得分提高1.9分。结果提示我们在学龄前儿童阶段,也许不需要过度强调体力活动的强度,可以更加关注日常体力活动总量。实验三(第四章)从本研究结果中,未发现外周血IGF-1和/或BDNF在体力活动对于学龄前儿童认知能力的有益影响中发挥中介作用。后期有待于更严格的实验设计,如长期纵向跟踪研究和干预实验,进行进一步的探索和分析。
[Abstract]:Based on the purpose of physical activity objective measurement methods, measurement of daily physical activities of preschool children in Shanghai City, and to preschool children's physical activity the recommended amount as the standard, evaluation of Shanghai children's physical activity in preschool standard percentage. The correlation between test of daily physical activity level and cognitive level on the basis of this, i.e. preschool children with high levels of physical activity, whether also showed better cognitive performance. And further study the expression level of peripheral blood related protein, whether to play an intermediary role in physical activity effects on cognitive ability. Research methods (chapter second) according to the earlier published data of the level of physical activity, to be raised by the amount of sample estimation. According to the principle of voluntary, informed, Shanghai, Yangpu, Baoshan District 7 kindergarten raise by 306 preschool children (male, 176; female, 130 Name). Produced by the United States Acti Graph GT3X+ as a physical activity measurement tool, the subjects for 7 consecutive days with GT3X+ acceleration sensor to measure the daily sedentary behavior and physical activity level (5 days and 2 day weekend), and during the test instrument is worn by the subjects were the parents to help staff to recover. 7 days after the end of the test instrument in the eighth days after the first use of Actilife to recover the instrument (Version6.11.5) to download, view, for measurement data does not meet the requirements or subjects with missing data, the corresponding measure in the consent of the parents. The sampling interval is set to 1s, the output of the original counts value and in less than 100counts/60 seconds, 101-1679counts/60 seconds, 1680-3367counts/60 seconds, more than 3368counts/60 seconds for the value calculated daily sedentary behavior (SB), light intensity (LPA), strength (MPA) and high intensity physical activity (VPA) Overall, the level of physical activity (TPA) is equal to LPA, MPA and VPA. And experiment two (Chapter third) with < China revised Wechsler Intelligence Scale short form (hereinafter referred to as the "manual manual > >) as a guide, select the verbal test and operation test of each constitute 2" Preschool children intelligence short test test scale.2 language test scale points and a verbal IQ, 2 operating scale of operation and intelligence. According to the weight coefficient of < > 4 manual gives each test, finally calculate the total IQ. The subjects of cardiorespiratory fitness by 20 m shuttle run sports fitness measurement; the 10 x 2 m shuttle run measurement. By using linear regression model to evaluate the correction of personal characteristics (gender, age, BMI, behavior score), family background (parents education, family structure, income) and fitness level (cardiorespiratory fitness, sports fitness, physical activity level) on the cognitive ability. Experiment three (Chapter fourth) subjects of preschool children by parents agreed and signed the informed consent form in peripheral blood IGF-1 and BDNF detection. To collect the children in the morning cubital vein blood, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Enzyme-linked Immunosorben, Assay, ELISA), System company (Human RD IGF-1Quantikine ELISA Kit; Human BDNF Quantikine ELISA) Kit kit to detect the plasma IGF-1 and BDNF concentration. The linear regression model of peripheral blood IGF-1 test and / or whether BDNF play an intermediary role in physical activity effects on cognitive ability. If established, should meet the following three conditions: 1, significantly related to the level of physical activity and cognition 2, ability; the level of physical activity should be significantly correlated with peripheral blood IGF-1 and / or BDNF content; 3, peripheral blood IGF-1 and / or BDNF content in the premise of correcting the level of physical activity, significantly correlated with cognitive ability. The results in Experiment 1 (chapter second) (1) according to 2 working days +1 effective weekend data subjects were included in the statistical analysis of the standard of preschool children were measured physical activity invalid 35, included in the statistical analysis of a total of 271 people, of which 88.6%. efficiency of 152 boys, 119 girls (the boy accounted for 55.7%). The average effective wear for 6.3 days, wearing time is 750.1 minutes. Overall, preschool children daily average SB, LPA, MPA and VPA time were 580.6 minutes, 98.6 minutes, 40.3 minutes and 31.6 minutes. In addition to SB and MPA, VPA, MVPA and LPA in boys. TPA were significantly higher than girls; normal weight, overweight and obesity among preschool children in different intensity of sedentary behavior and physical activity level had no significant difference; the weekend MPA and TPA were significantly higher than that of working days, corresponding to a weekend of SB was significantly lower than working days. (2) according to the daily average Less accumulation of different exercise intensity for 180 minutes, and the average day at least 60 minutes of moderate cumulative two standards of preschool children in Shanghai city were the study subjects 37.6% and 74.9% reached the recommended amount requirements. In experiment two (Chapter third) 306 subjects, complete the total cognitive ability test 291 people (male, 165; female, 124), of which 5 subjects showed obvious mental retardation (male 4; female 1, performance IQ score 54.2-73.8), not included in the final statistical analysis; including confounding factors should be corrected, a total of 260 subjects with complete data (boys, 144; girls, 116 boys). In the analysis of the regression results, correction of personal characteristics (gender, age, BMI, behavior score), family background (parents education, family structure, income) and fitness level (cardiorespiratory fitness, sports fitness). Still demonstrated the presence of LPA and total IQ A significant positive correlation between the standardized regression coefficient was 0.260 (P0.05). The results of regression analysis in the girls, did not show a significant correlation between the level of physical activity on cognitive ability. In experiment three (Chapter fourth) 306 preschool subjects, voluntarily participate in the peripheral blood of IGF-1 and BDNF to test 189 (boys, 109; girls, 80), in which the level of physical activity, cognitive ability test, IGF-1 and BDNF data of peripheral blood are complete, a total of 174 patients (male, 97; female, 77), both regression analysis results of a boy or a girl, there was no physical activity level and peripheral blood IGF-1 and / or BDNF content, as well as between peripheral blood IGF-1 and / or BDNF content and cognitive ability significantly relevance. The conclusion of the study results (chapter second) this research based on physical activity objective measurement basis, found that preschool children in Shanghai City daily physical activity level of his country and similar research reports Compared with the data in the middle level of preschool children's physical activity. According to the current recommended amount, there are at least 25% subjects did not reach, especially girls. In future study, pay attention to preschool children physical activity intervention program should have the awareness, exercise habits from childhood Jian Liliang, enhance physical fitness and health the two level (Chapter third). The experimental results of this study found that in boys, physical activity level and cognitive ability has a significant positive correlation with LPA, the most obvious effect, improve the LPA every 10 minutes / day, total IQ score increased 1.9 points. The results suggest that in the stage of Preschool children, maybe not excessive emphasis on the intensity of physical activity, can pay more attention to daily physical activity. The total amount of experiment three (Chapter fourth) from the results of this study, not found in peripheral blood of IGF-1 and / or BDNF in physical activity for the cognitive ability of preschool children It plays a mediating role in the beneficial influence. Later, more rigorous experimental design is needed, such as long-term longitudinal tracking research and intervention experiments, for further exploration and analysis.





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