本文选题:CBA联赛 切入点:CBA联赛外籍球员 出处:《北京体育大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The CBA League was founded in 1995. After many years of reform and development, the process of professionalization of CBA League was accelerated.With the development of international basketball, Chinese basketball conforms to the trend of international development and continuously reforms and consummates the competition system of CBA league matches.The use of foreign players and the number of expanding, more and more high-level foreign players to the CBA league.Foreign players play a positive role in improving the competitive level of CBA, promoting the brand value of the league, and accelerating the professionalization and internationalization of the league.As a kind of media image research, athlete media image is a mirror image of the times.This study selected domestic basketball professional newspaper Basketball Pioneer from 2009-2015 as the research sample, using literature, content analysis, mathematical statistics and other research methods.This paper analyzes the general situation of the report on the foreign players in the CBA league, and studies the professional image and social image of the foreign players in the CBA league from the three dimensions of appellation, news theme and report structure.The shaping process of personality image and social image, for the future athlete media image shaping and report puts forward the discussion opinion.The results show that: basketball Pioneer newspaper combines the words and pictures of the foreign players in the CBA league, the reporting style is mainly communication, the material selection is objective, and the negative reports account for a certain proportion.There are a variety of themes in the report, among which the proportion of the competition theme is the largest. The media image of the foreign players in the CBA league created by the "Basketball Pioneer newspaper" through news reports has obvious characteristics, that is, strong basketball ability and high degree of professionalism;Has a tenacious fighting, not easily give up the professional spirit; full of love, have a strong sense of social responsibility; flesh and blood, rich in emotion; approachable, amiable and kind-hearted.From the perspective of discourse analysis, the professional image as the basic image of athletes media, the newspaper uses a rich variety of appellation languages, the theme set up diversity, report structure is diverse, but the social image molding proportion is not high, the molding technique is relatively single;The report of personality image mainly revolves around emotion, character, personal hobby, the image of appellation is appropriate, the report is full of story, the social image moulding is to describe the foreign player and teammate of CBA league, the communication and the interactive scene between the fans.The scene description is detailed and the theme is outstanding.With the development of the CBA League, foreign players will continue to be reported in the media, their image will continue to be shaped.The media should think more about how to show the media image of the foreign players in the CBA league to the audience comprehensively, objectively and characteristic.
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