本文选题:台州 切入点:羽毛球 出处:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In order to investigate the characteristics of badminton leisure crowd in Taizhou urban area, namely indoor badminton leisure crowd and outdoor badminton leisure crowd, the basic characteristics of Taizhou urban badminton leisure crowd were investigated.The behavioral characteristics of badminton leisure crowd in Taizhou urban area, the psychological characteristics of badminton leisure crowd in Taizhou urban area, the subjective consciousness characteristics of badminton leisure crowd behavior in Taizhou urban area are compared with the difference between indoor and outdoor.This article uses the literature method, the questionnaire survey method, the field research method, the mathematical statistics method to carry on the research to the shuttlecock leisure crowd in Taizhou urban area.Through comprehensive analysis, it is found that the characteristics of the indoor badminton sports and leisure crowd are mainly male civil servants aged 20-40 and general employees of enterprises and institutions / companies. They have high education, middle and high income, and good equipment.Outdoor badminton sports and leisure people are mainly concentrated in professional and technical personnel over 31 years of age, civil servants, general employees and students of enterprises, institutions / companies, with low and medium education, low and medium income, light equipment, etc.Indoor badminton sports leisure crowd concentrated in the afternoon and evening to participate in badminton sports, leisure time is less, playing day affected by work, most of the duration of exercise time 1-2 hours,Outdoor badminton sports leisure crowd concentrated in the morning, evening and evening to participate in badminton, leisure time is more, the duration of sports is uncertain, seriously affected by the weather,Indoor badminton sports and leisure crowd fixed friends are mainly friends and colleagues, the organization is mainly arranged in advance, mainly through the network.Outdoor badminton sports leisure crowd fixed friends are mainly family members and organized mainly spontaneously.Indoor badminton sports leisure crowd value fitness needs, but also emphasize sports needs and social needs, motivation is mainly fitness activities, experience sports fun and eliminate fatigue,The goal is mainly to improve health, improve sports skills and experience sports fun. Outdoor badminton sports and leisure crowd value fitness needs, motivation is mainly activities fitness, entertainment and experience sports fun,The goal is mainly to experience sports fun and improve health.) most of the indoor and outdoor badminton and leisure people understand "health" correctly, and more than 70% think that "health" should be able to adapt to social changes.Mental health and physical health.Indoor participation in badminton leisure groups to understand the function of physical exercise is mainly fitness function; outdoor is mainly fitness function and entertainment function.It is suggested that the construction of indoor badminton venues and outdoor badminton venues in Taizhou urban area should be strengthened, the propaganda should be strengthened, the participation consciousness of groups should be raised, and the badminton courses should be carried out in Taizhou urban area.
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