本文选题:志丹县 + 中小学 ; 参考:《延安大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since 2009, our country has launched campus football activities nationwide, as early as 2007, Zhidan County has carried out the related work of campus football. Now Zhidan County campus football activities in full swing, and achieved good results. The present situation of campus football activities in 23 schools in Zhidan County is taken as the research object. This paper chooses "investigation and Research on the present situation of Juvenile Campus Football activities in Zhidan County" as the subject, adopts the related research method, carries on the scientific, systematic investigation and analysis to the present situation of the football development in the Zhidan primary and middle school. In view of the shortcomings found, some suggestions for improvement are given; the good aspects are affirmed; the successful experience is summarized and popularized and applied in order to help the campus football activities in the same area. Through the investigation and analysis, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the middle and primary school football distribution schools in Zhidan County involve all the junior middle schools and primary schools, and mainly develop the campus football activities by combining football lessons with after-school activities. All cloth schools have training teams (men and women, whose training levels are different.) there is a relatively good competition system, which promotes the development and popularization of campus football activities, but still needs to be perfected. Most of them are of non-football professional background, lack of professional skills and lack of high-level coaches. 4) each school has relatively sufficient equipment, but a small number of schools have artificial turf sites, while others are mostly cement or soil fields. There is a serious lack of high-quality football field. 5) the campus football activities have certain financial support, but there is a big gap, and it is still necessary to increase the investment. 6) there is a more prominent contradiction of learning and practice in the campus football activities of teenagers in Zhidan County. It is a hindrance to the development of campus football activities. Some old ideas still exist.) some school leaders in middle and primary schools do not pay enough attention to campus football activities, cognition needs to be improved, ideas need to be changed.) there is a certain degree of social concern about campus football activities for teenagers in Zhidan County. But needs to continue to strengthen the propaganda, strives for more people's attention and participation.
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