本文选题:专利 + 体育用品企业 ; 参考:《上海体育学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In 2014, the State Council issued a message to speed up sports industry and promote sports consumption. It made clear that: "actively support the innovation and development of sports goods manufacturing industry, adopt new technology, new materials, new technology, improve the quality level of traditional sports goods and improve the scientific and technological content of products." Step by step is the direction and goal of the scientific and technological upgrading of sports goods enterprises in China. The development of the industry is the inevitable trend of the healthy and rapid development of our sporting goods enterprises in the future. Therefore, a set of objective, standardized and operable evaluation index system is established to improve the technological innovation ability of sports goods enterprises in China. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to seek a suitable path for technological innovation and development. Based on this, this paper, based on the actual situation and law of the development of sports goods enterprises in China, uses the literature method, the analysis method of patent information, the comparative analysis method, the interview method and the mathematical statistics method from the perspective of the technological innovation output of the enterprise. The research methods such as factor analysis and expert scoring method are used to objectively and scientifically measure the technological innovation ability of sports goods enterprises in China. The following conclusions are obtained. First, from the perspective of enterprise technological innovation output, this paper designs 3 dimensions, which are the number of patents, the quality of special interest and the value of the patent, and the 17 two levels of their subordinates. The evaluation system of technological innovation ability of sports goods enterprises in China is made up, and the evaluation model of technological innovation ability of our national sporting goods enterprise is established by means of factor analysis (the variance contribution rate of each variable is taken as the weight of each factor). Then, the technological innovation ability of 88 sports goods enterprises in China is empirically studied. Through empirical research, the evaluation index system is completely feasible and its evaluation results are more true. Second, through the empirical analysis of the technological innovation ability of 88 sports goods enterprises in China, it is found that the technological innovation scale of our sporting goods enterprises is small, the new value of technology is low, the quality of technology innovation is poor and the technology innovation is poor. The management level is not high, the gap between enterprises and enterprises is relatively large. The cause of this phenomenon is mainly due to the small proportion of patent R & D investment, poor technical innovation awareness, technical innovation service mechanism, and the lack of technological innovation personnel. In addition, other large sports enterprises in the world are on the other hand. The patent technology monopoly of the international sporting goods market, strictly controlled the core patent technology field in the international sporting goods market, also made the technological innovation development of the sports goods enterprises in our country difficult. Third, the factors restricting the rapid improvement of the technological innovation ability of the sports goods enterprises in China are many aspects, which are summarized mainly, enterprises Lack of scientific and technological innovation activities, lack of scientific and technological innovation personnel, insufficient investment in RD funds, lack of technical innovation strategy management, poor ability to undertake technological innovation risk, imperfect intellectual property system, lack of government organization guarantee for promoting technological innovation, imperfect technical innovation service system, inadequate technical innovation system environment and lack of public system Fourth, the technological innovation development of sports goods enterprises in China should go out of a road of autonomy, mechanism, hub and innovation, which is based on independence, mechanism as the guarantee, cooperation as the link and innovation as the driving force. Our government should speed up the transformation of functions and improve the sports goods enterprises in China. On the basis of strengthening the construction of scientific and technological innovation and the management of talents in the organization, the sports goods enterprises of our country should give full play to their own advantages, increase the investment of the patent R & D, reinvigorate all kinds of social resources and promote the innovation and development of the technology. The scientific and technological content of sports goods, create the international competitive sporting goods brand, constantly meet the development of competitive sports and national fitness for the high-end sports training equipment, sports equipment, sports equipment, scientific and technological, intelligent and personalized needs.
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